Reminded me of an incident when I was around 8 or 9. We went swimming at an indoor olympic sized swimming pool as often as we could. It was awesome! We loved that pool! My brother drove me and some of our sisters to the pool one very winter day. Snow piled high on both sides of the roads. When we got done swimming, we all piled back into Mark's van.
He was kind of a wannabe hippie teen... He had painted an old van and decked out the inside with 4 inch grey fur hanging from the ceiling, orange shag carpet on the floor and walls.
It was one classy ride... It was the 70s after all...
So we drove away from the pool with wet hair and wet swim suits under our clothes. When Mark stopped at a stop sign was when we were attacked. Some young boys, probably about age 11-13 started pelting the van with snowballs. And I mean they must have stock piled the snowballs and laid in wait for a sucker to pull up to the stop sign!
They picked the wrong one...
Mark backed up and got out. He started yelling and chased those boys up the street. We could see them climbing over yard fences with utter terror imprinted on their faces as they looked back to see the monster man chasing them. Mark jumped the fences, but they must have ducked into a house and he lost them.
We sat huddled and shivering with cold in the van waiting and waiting for Mark to come back. He finally did, and wow, was he mad!
NO one touches his van!
Guys...they can never let anyone touch their cars.
Heeehehehe!!!! What a perfect picture to go with your wonderful memory! I can see ya freezin' there. There is just somethin' a bit off mixin' swimsuits and snowballs!!! :o)
God bless and have a fantastic weekend sweetie!!!
I remember doing the same thing when I was little! Except it was mud balls and I got into a whole lot of trouble.
Don't mess with a guy and the vehicle that he loves!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower.
So fun to meet someone from Iowa!!!!
Stay warm,
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)
LOL! I did something similar when I was a teen. Some boys in the neighborhood used to run out in front of cars going down the street, slowly, but still they were CARS that were moving. They did it to me once and I jumped out of the car and told them that the next time they did it to me I was going to run them down. They never did it again. (I wouldn't have, but they thought I would.)
That IS funny! I'll bet those boys didn't expect anyone to hightail it after them! ;)
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