Why do I blog?
A.Marie challenged some of us to fess up and tell why we blog. Someone once said that only narcissists blog. I don't know. Maybe. Do I love myself THAT much? I'm constantly using self-deprecating humor... I don't think that's it...
Here are my reasons that of I know of consciously.
1) I like making new friends! It's great to discover a blogger out there who I can relate to personally. And I find that I'm constantly telling my husband about so and so or this blogger friend, etc. There are some that he feels could easily be my best friend if they lived closer. Others that he's worried I would be best friends with if they lived closer...
2) I've learned so much about frugal living (not that I AM living that way much!!) but it's nice to know that if I knuckled down, I could save a LOT of dough... Also my bloggy friends have taught me things about cooking, gardening, crafts, etc that I'd never have thought of before! It's inspiring to me!
3) Blogging first started as a diary of sorts for me. I used to (still do but rarely have the time) scrapbook. I'm finding that this is a good way to lay out the pictures that are important to our everyday lives so when I finally do get time to get some scrapbooking done, I will know what happened when. This way I can scrap in chronological order instead of kindological order. My husband has found that when he's ready to write the Christmas letter, all he has to do is review the year in my blog. "Oh yeah!! I forgot that happened!" Plus my kids like reading it to see just what exactly is on Mom's mind today... (Hi kids!)
4) During my two years of blogging, I've WON stuff! Coupons, framed pictures, baby clothes, books, cards, lots of homemade things! Oh and I want to give a shout out to A.Marie! She had a giveaway a couple weeks ago for some duct tape clutches that a 9 year old girl is making and selling on Ebay to help her dad who is walking in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day walk for the Cure. They are adorable! And mine came yesterday! Go check out A.Marie (Blog 1 &/or Blog 2) & the little girl's Ebay store!

5) The number one (ok I know it's 5) reason that I started a blog was to get feedback on my sewing. I've learned so many sewing tips and gotten so inspired from many of your blogs, it's been incredible! If I'm feeling in a creative slump, all I have to do is visit some of your blogs and see what beautiful things you're making and it pulls me right out! I get so many ideas from everyone! It's like having a thousand creative muses literally right at my fingertips.
You guys inspire me!
So anyway, I'm supposed to challenge 5 of you to do this same thing. WHY are you blogging? I want to know! So please fess up...
Cintia, Farmchick, Carma, Southern Gal and of course Mimi, whom I've always wondered about... ;P Why do you ladies blog? List 5 reasons on a post and then tag 5 more gals to fess up.
I'll do it!
I really really want one of those wallets...what a great thing she's doing!
Hey Val! I can't imagine why anyone would say that only narcissists blog. The only thing I can think of is that they have never tried it. I know when Lynette (Crazed Mind) started talking to me about it, I thought "why would anyone want to just sit and write about their family stuff and put it out over the internet?" Well, I tried it, granted, I don't have much family life to talk about (no kids, no job, etc) but I found my niche and God Blessed it. I haven't started advertising because I really don't know how or where to start. I tried Blogvertise but that's not for me. Anyway, it doesn't matter really because I'm not blogging to make money, although it would be ok if I did, I wouldn't turn it down. LOL! Hey! I just had an idea! I will try and start advertising and give what I make to God's Work! My main purpose is to get God's Word out to as many people as will listen and read.
Thank you for this post and allowing me to listen for that still small voice while typing! What a great IDEA!
Thank you for letting me go on and on, (I didn't mean to), but I would like to give a public thank you to Lynette for getting me started on the idea of blogging and Redhead Riter for building me such a wonderful blog. May God Bless you both mightily.
By the way, Val, did you enjoy the book you won from my give-away almost 2 years ago? LOL! That was my first give-away.
God Bless,
"Others that he's worried I would be best friends with if they lived closer..."
Um, this would be me, right?lolol
I'm going to do this for shizzle. Will post next week :D
I hope some of my sewing feedback has been positive despite my lack of sewing knowledge...
I'm glad that you started blogging so that we could find each other!
My favorite thing is the friends too!
i think this is a fabulous way to connect. i also learn new things everyday! i just wished we lived a teeny weensy bit closer...ur sewing skills are fab! xo
Hmmmmm....I may really have to think on this!
It's probably good that I don't live near my bloggy friends. I would never get anything done as I would want to play all the time. LOL!
I blog so that my son can keep up with what is going on while he is gone. I found out this week that he has my link as one of his favorites. Made my day. Meeting and getting to know you was nice side effet ;o)
These are all great reasons, many of which I share. I've enjoyed our blogging friendship. You have a great personality that really shines through.
Thank you so much for wishing me a happy birthday.
I'll be posting my reasons shortly. Thanks for choosing me!
I loved the game and agree to the challenge!
Hi there!! Thanks for the awesome shout-outs on your post...that was so nice of you!!
And, I am glad that your clutch came. Isn't it amazing what that little girl is doing? I love the color that you picked.
Let me tell you what...if we lived closer to one another, we would totally become best pally's. I would have you teach me how to sew, but first, you'd have to "re-learn" me how to thread the sewing machine. Yeppers, I'd be a very challenging student. Just ask my poor ol' Home Ec Teacher! LOL
I'm glad you participated in the Tag-thingy. I loved reading about your reasons for blogging. All of my blog pals inspire me!
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