I had 5 hours of sleep Saturday night due to a late night rescue mission and a hyper early Sunday morning. So I was dragging a.lot. on Sunday. Yawned a lot during church and failed to notice a college student pass out... Where was I??? Apparently paying attention to the sermon. Which is good, but wow! Not noticing someone faint? hmmm.. and we have a fairly small church!
Went home with the intentions of clearing off the dining room table and cutting out the multiple layers of skirts for the prom dress. Didn't happen.
Visited with family who was here for the weekend and laughed, rolled eyes, grimaced, gossiped and laughed more.
Meri is home from school sick today. The weekend kind of wore her out too.
Her sock hop on Friday night was a good time for her! She won 2 $10 gift cards to an arcade close by. Cool! Someone else won an Ipod shuffle! Good prizes!! She didn't win for best costume, but in my book she did...
I actually dumped something in my soil saver contraption on Saturday! I am MAKING dirt!!!! Well, at least a good vitamin kick for the dirt in my garden. So far, the leftovers that I threw in there are probably making a good stink... I plan on raking up a bunch of leaves that blew in behind our lilac bushes and pile them in too. That's supposed to compose well, isn't it?

And then on to Meri's Easter sample dress. Meri is insisting on making it herself for 4H, so I insisted that I do the sample dress to ensure a good fit, then she can have the sample dress to use as a pattern.
So only 1.5 dresses to go before prom and Easter stuff is done. Then maybe I'll make myself something new for Easter... That would be nice. I might be able to work on that at the same time that Meri is working on her dress. We'll see.
Ok... Enough rambling. My Diet Coke is getting watered down from the melting ice...
I hope you all had a great weekend! What did you do?
Yep, those leaves SHOULD compose.
If Meri spinned really fast either way she would have turned into....SUPERWOMAN!!!!!
Anything and everythng can go into the compose except for meat and bones. Might smell, but makes wonderful additives for your soil.
Cute poodle dress!
I'm just so tired from reading this. DO you ever stop? It doesn't look like it.
And in my opinion I think that the skirt should have gotten 1st.
Have a great and hopefully peaceful week!
You are amazing in my book - just like the energizer bunny. You go my friend!
I love her outfit! So awesome!! My Dad does a lot of composting and I keep saying I'm going to start...but it hasn't happened yet...lol Just one of many things on my to do list!
Have a great day!
The poodle skirt is always a darling!
My city has composting prog~ they would pick them up by the curb side weekly!
What?! You won't believe this, as I was doing things around the house yesterday morning (yes... I know :( bad me didn't make it to church again)... on the police scanner there were 3 separate incidents within minutes of ladies passing out at church. 3 different ladies of course, at 3 different churches in 3 different surrounding towns. What was going on yesterday at church.. I mean seriously?! Loved your updates on everything. Cute pic of the girls! -Tammy
Poodle skirts are always cute!
Meri does look so cute in her poodle skirt. I shall say it again....how do you get everything accomplished?!!!!!
Meri's costume is great!!! I am so excited to see how the prom dress is coming along. :)
Love Meri's circle skirt.
I need to plant a garden!
Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog post about my pregnancy.
Obrigada pela visita! Parabéns pelo blog, vou te seguir!
I'm with SonyaAnn! You are so busy you make me tired!
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