You know... Even screen writers have been recycling! Robb brought this home to me yesterday, knowing how much I went over board on Star Wars when I was ten. I never saw the resemblance to Harry Potter until now...

Star Wars A New Hope Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone; synopsis

Luke Skywalker Harry Potter is an orphan living with his uncle and aunt on the remote wilderness of
Tatooine suburbia.
He is rescued from
aliens muggles by wise, bearded
Ben Kenobi Hagrid, who turns out to be a
Jedi Knight wizard.
Ben Hagrid reveals to
Luke Harry that
Luke's Harry's father was also a
Jedi Knight wizard, and was the best
pilot Quidditch player he had ever seen.
Luke Harry is also instructed in how to use the
Jedi light sabre a magic wand as he too trains to become a
Jedi wizard.
Luke Harry has many adventures in
the galaxy Hogwarts and makes new friends such as
Han Solo Ron and
Princess Leia Hermione.
In the course of these adventures he distinguishes himself as a top
X-wing pilot Quidditch seeker in the battle of the
Death Star Quidditch match, making the
direct hit catch that secures the
Rebels Gryffinder victory against the forces of evil
. Slytherin.
Luke Harry also sees off the threat of
Darth Vader Lord Voldermort, who we know murdered his
uncle and aunt parents.
In the finale,
Luke Harry and his new friends receive
medals of valor win the House cup.
All of this will be set to an orchestral score composed by John Williams.
Have a great weekend!
Timely post with the release of HP & The Deathly Hallows, Part 1 being released on DVD today!! (Picking up our copy asap!!) Reminds me of the comparison I saw between Avatar and Pocahontas!! If you haven't seen it, just google it and I'm sure you'll find it. It's too true!
lol....have a great weekend!
Dude. I never even thought of that! lol
Oh my Lordy! THAT'S why Miles is obsessed with both Star Wars and Harry Potter! I'm so going to repost this for some of my friends with kids equally obsessed. You're awesome.
You have just received the highest honor on one of your posts - my son wants me to send it to his email!
This is so true! Just don't tell all those HP fans, it might just piss them
Now do it for the Twilight series.... ;-)
LOL- I never would have seen that one! Do it again with a book, say the Kama Sutra. LOL I keep telling you something is wrong with me anymore!
I have never seen that connection. And now I will never be able to rid my brain of it.
I have never heard of this, but how true!
I like both movies! are very good!
have a great weekend
That is too funny! It never even occurred to me how similar they are.
That is so interesting. So much for being orginal..
That is hilarious!
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