Now WHAT am I going to make with magazines??
But I do have the dress for Tiffany already made from free table fabric and the Easter dress that I just made this weekend for Meri too was made from free table stuff. However I don't like how Meri's dress came out. It's made more for a barmaid named Brandi than an 11 year old named Meredith... So... I'm not going to let her wear it for Easter and already have another plan in the works.
What do you think??
Starting on Saturday, I was in a panic. I teach Sunday school to preschoolers and I couldn't find my SS bag that has all my stuff in it to prepare. I searched everywhere. Sunday morning I got up extra early and looked again, thinking I'd have to get to church extremely early and if the bag isn't there, I'd have to make up a lesson.. Yeah... How do you keep 3 & 4 year olds busy for 45 minutes and no lesson planned?... Coloring only goes so far.
Meri saved the day by looking in the spot I ALWAYS put the bag. Apparently it wasn't in the exact spot and was back farther than I'd looked.
WHEW!!! Crisis averted and day saved! Man! My little SS kids are cute! And being Palm Sunday, all the kids followed Pastor into the church with Palm branches and placed them in a vase unattended at the front of the sanctuary. It all worked out after all.
Yesterday afternoon we visited my best friend and her husband and she and I worked on her puzzle more. It's taking a long time! I can't remember when we started on this one! Something had happened on Friday night and the big corner that we'd had done somehow got scrambled. So we spent our time reworking that area. I THINK she got it for Christmas from her son, so if we can get it done by next Christmas I think we'll be ok...
Maddy modeled her prom dress for Ada, but mostly we just talked. I think that might be why this puzzle is taking so long...
Then to a card making party and 4 more cards to add to my stash!

And being the newsletter editor for my sewing group, I worked a bit on that. It's due in a month for this quarter. I got all the stuff laid out. Just need the articles now to fill it in. But the big part is done. I was asked to write a bio for myself as an introduction. I'll probably share it with you this week sometime if I remember.
Oh! and the big news! We decided that our usually skinny female Golden Retriever is actually pregnant after all! Her usual hourglass figure suddenly shifted sands this week and everyone in the house agrees... She's got some buns in the oven! They are due in 4 weeks so my May and June will be exciting!
Anyone want a puppy?
You can make anything out of anything. Could you make a shawl type thing for the dress??
Love the cards!
Oooh...PUPPIES!! How Exciting! I would love one except that I don't think that my old Chihuahua and hyper Jack Russell Terrier would be too thrilled by the pitter-patter of little feet.... LOL ;)
Hey! That paper bag dress looks like something I could actually make!!! Puppies! I will have to pass. Have four dogs already. One who ran in the back door, a few days ago, with manure on him and then proceeded to drink from the toilet. Good times!
I don't think you were quite busy enough over the weekend. Maybe next weekend you can try harder. LOL!
Can't think of one thing to write???? Are you serious??? YOu are one interesting bloggy friend...and a busy one, too! Wish we lived closer! I could seriously pop on over and dish over a cup of coffee and cake!
Puppies! Congrads you're going to be a doggy grandma!
I think you should show us some pictures of the no go Easter dress and maybe we can offer you some advice.
I like the cards! My sister is a talented paper-crafter and for my birthday always makes me a pile of cards to use through the year.
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