I keep getting automated emails from the schools when the kids lunch money drops below a certain balance. I need to figure out how much money will get them through for the next eight days minus what's already in their account.
SEE!? We DO still use math and imaginary numbers in our real every day lives!
*Numbers like eleventeen and thirty-twelve...*
Maddy will have next to no school today... She's only a Sophomore but is on the student council and they're doing a Senior Send Off today. All I know is that she gets out of a bunch of classes and gets to hang with the Seniors.

YOU'RE going to vote for me! But only if you want to... *she doesn't want to appear pushy...*
Meri and I stopped at the library last night before Taekwondo. I got the second Frankenstein book from the new Dean Koontz series. Apparently the third is coming out in a few weeks and I hadn't even realized there was a second! I'm a big Koontz fan, but only if they're not super creepy... I like the ones when there is a love story woven in.
My absolute favorite of his is Lightning. But I think Ryan took it with him when he moved. It's a good one...
My second absolute favorite of his is Watchers. And of course there's a Golden Retriever who can spell out messages with Scrabble tiles in it... Why do you think we like that breed of dog?? For their massively shedding hair??... I'm still waiting for one to spell something out with the tiles I leave laying around, but instead they just chew them up.

Hollywood must have realized their mistake, so they did it again! STILL wrong!! They even used the same plot however they did use a young Marc Singer *swoons* but it still sucked and was a slasher movie.

And if he's not available... they can call me.
I thought I had Kat's lunch account all figured out and the right amount deposited, but then, for the first time all year, she decided to eat breakfast at school on Monday. And again on Tuesday. And she was supposed to eat lunch today, but she's home sick. And she was supposed to eat lunch this Friday, but she has a field trip that requires a sack lunch. Her account is a mess and I'm confused!
I hate when they eff a book up by making it into a crappy movie.
I like her slogan!!! LOL!!
Supposedly the end of days is this Saturday. I'll make sure my house is clean.
When the sons were in school, I was so grateful that whatever money that was left in their accounts carried over to the next school year. As they graduate, they were able to pass the extra money down to the next brother. By the time David was in high school, he had a lot of money in his account!
My kids seem to empty their lunch accounts at the speed of light. And, they don't e-mail me about it. My daughter usually says, "I owe $27....forgot to tell you....or give you the reminder slip". Nice
Ours is automated with online access and deposits. I try to watch it closely at the end of the year and deposit exactly what she needs.
The first year they did this, I lost the money that was in it the end of the year. It was only a couple of dollars, but still, it should have been there the next year. Instead, they zeroed out all the accounts and I had no proof it was ever there.
Ohhhh....I like that slogan!
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