I figured the puppies were just getting older and louder. So when I came home from dropping Meri off at school I could hear them through the garage door to the driveway... That's probably not good. I went in and found the pups laying on bare cement and Ellie laying off by herself on the other side of the caged area.
Putting the pups closer to her on the blankets, I went to get her fresh food and water. When I got back, she was on the bare cement all by herself and the pups were on the blankets. One of them was whining loudly.
I helped the straggler pile onto his brothers and sisters, then tried to coax Ellie out of the cage to go outside. But she wouldn't go to the yard. Just looked out the door to the grass. Then suddenly she decided she wanted to spend time under my desk in my office. Since the pups had fallen asleep, I thought it would be ok. So she insisted on me petting her head with my free hand while I worked.
Um yeah.. Oh. That's not going to let me get much done... I understand she needs attention too though. I spoke with her and petted her and let her know that we love her.
Once I said that, she was ready to leave my office and headed straight out to the yard. The puppies were still sleeping, so I've left the doors open so she can get back to them as needed. I hope this arrangement works out for her. Eight puppies can be pretty overwhelming and demanding.
I'm surprised she has enough milk for them all and we're not feeding them with baby bottles...
I guess I need to start reading my Erma Bombeck books to her to let her know she's not alone.
awwww....how precious but at the same time sad! i think she is tired and overwhelmed, poor mama....that's alot of damn kids! hopefully she's feeling better after mama hen reassured her everything was going to be okay.! more pics when they grow, mmmmkay! xoxo
I so appreciate that she loves them but needs a break and thank goodness you are there to help both her and the puppies. Bless, i hope it all works out.
Awwwwww!!! Poor momma. I feel her. :(
Wow! I didn't know that dogs dealt with post-natal depression, too. So good that you understand her needs.
Poor mama. My dachshund had nine puppies once and she would get up to take a break dragging nine puppies along that were all attached! Dogs have it pretty hard.
I remember when my dog had puppies. She would go up onto this ledge to get away from them and they would jump and cry and cry and she would lay there like go away and give me a minute! Eventually they figured out how to find her and she gave up. They stay stuck to momma like white on rice. The only way I could get my dog to go potty was to steal one of the babies and carry it around until she went lol
A little mom love and everything is better. Poor thing. Give her a hug from me.
Thinking back to when I had a one year old and a newborn....ugh! I can empathize with the poor girl. She needs some "me" time, Val! :)
Poor girl! Being a new mom is tough, no matter if you are a person or a dog.
AWW poor doggie :o(
I think she might be lonely, just like any new mom who doesn't get any interaction with others except for the wee little ones.
Awww so precious. Give her hugs for me :-)
Poor little mama!! My goodness, i can relate!! She must be feeling quite overwhelmed. Glad you could give her a good pet and reassurance.
over whelming...
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