Saturday I attended my mission rally about 2 hours away. On the way there and back I did the hand sewing on that little dress I told you about. It's not done yet... Talked my friend who was driving into ducking out early with me so I could catch Maddy being picked up by her boyfriend for prom. Got there just in time and took pics.

Oh! and get this! Rumors had been going around that she'd made her own prom dress. Maybe she will next year.
She got home just before 5am. We woke her up at 8 for church, then she came home to nap.
After church Meri and I went to a dying class. Not the kind you think! We learned how to dye different types of fabrics!! It was great fun and pretty messy, but Meri is inspired now to dye that silk wedding gown and making a party dress out of it now. Not that she GOES to parties much... but it's always nice to have one on hand in case you're asked at the last minute to a black tie affair...
About half way through the class I got a call from my son who had stopped by the house. He's moving to a different apartment this weekend and needed a car. Apparently Grandma was really sick. The sickest he's ever seen her and he was concerned. So Meri & I packed things up and headed home. She was pretty sick. I won't go too far into details, but we ended up taking her to the emergency room at 9pm last night. She's at the hospital now until probably tomorrow with pneumonia plus.
So anyway... It's Monday. The girls are feeling crumby and I actually kept Meri home today. Maddy was feeling yucky too, but if she skips school, one of her friends will kill her if she misses the band concert tonight.
Sigh... Life is a rush, isn't it?
Life is a crazy, crazy rush! Glad the dress got finished and she looks darling. Can't wait to hear about the cooler/air blowing machine.
indeed it is...but you my friend have a wonderful one! the dress looked stunning and i was wondering if anyone was talking about it being made...haha....maybe she will be like her mom and make some dresses for friends! hope grams feels better and is okay....I'm sending get well wishes for everyone:)
ps: i'd love to see some dyed fabric soon:) xoxo
Just it typical most places for there to be a Grand March and to be "announced" at prom? We didn't do that, but then again, we didn't do anything typical at our school.
The dance was at the school and the dinner was cooked and served by our school cooks. They were great cooks, so that was fine, but we knew it just wasn't a typical arrangement.
We also didn't have after-parties or lock-ins sponsored by the school or community. It would've been great, but our only parties were keggers out in the woods. Seemed fun at the time, but not very smart or safe, looking back.
I have never heard of a Grand March or being "announced" at the Prom! Wow! You guys really know how to have a Prom at your neck of the woods!! ;)
When I was in high school, way back before time began (LOL), prom was at the high school and if you wanted to eat, you and your date went to the local eating joint beforehand. Now, they have the dance at some fancy ballroom place downtown, and the meal is some type of catered event. How times have changed!! ;)
Prom pictures are great! I miss those
Hope Grandma is doing better soon, I'll be keeping her in my prayers!
Hope you have a great afternoon.
What a BUSY weekend. Makes me tired. :)
The party bus cracks me up for some reason.
She is absolutely gorgeous McVal!
Love her hairstyle as well~
Inside that party bus must be so FUN i bet!
Sounds like your life is rush-rush... :)
Prom sounds as though it was a blast for sweet! Glad it all went well. She looked beautiful! Can't wait to hear the story about the boutinere...
And if she does dye the wedding dress, you have to post a pic!
Make sure that you schedule in a little time to breath!
And I think that its wonderful that your son was trying to take care of his grandmother! WOW, you did good with him!
Maybe this week you will get to relax!
Do you ever slow 100 mph?lol
Prom sounds like the kids had fun. Holly's prom was this past Sat. too tho we don't quite make such a big deal out of it here. ;-)
Hope Grandma feels better soon and Ryan's new living arrangement works out for him.
6 months with the same girl, huh? Hmmmm...sounds serious! 8-)
Sorry about grandma! I wish and pray for her speedy recovery.
Oh, the party bus! I haven't heard the term "Grand March" or thought of it in years but it takes me right back to high school!
I hope grandma is better soon.
The prom sounded so fancy and fun! You got some really cute pictures. Is it your mom that is sick? I hope she's okay. It sounds like kind of an exhausting couple of days!
Sorry for the delay in this comment, but the dress was detachable SUPER! LOVE!
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