The puppies need their 6 week shots on Tuesday and I may have to report for jury duty that same day.
hmmm. This could be tricky.
But before I start planning for next week, let's take a peek at the weekend. Because that's what keeps me going!
Tonight we're going to get to see Maddy in her jazz band camp concert. It's the final night and it'll be so nice to have her home again. NOT that she's home much when she IS at home... But I like knowing where my kids are and who they're with.
I keep wondering if she'll accidentally find her twin there and they'll swap places and try and trick us... But I really don't know what the motive would be since we're not living the lives from The Parent Trap... But that never stopped anyone in my family from pulling pranks!
On Saturday, a girl from our 4H group, Meri and I will be attending our ASG (American Sewing Guild) meeting where we'll be doing our Community Sewing project! We'll spend the morning making pillowcase dresses for the Dress A Girl Around The World project.
My cousin's daughter went to Haiti a couple weeks ago and sent back some pictures which her mom posted on Facebook immediately. Elaine is holding a little Haitian girl who was wearing one of these very dresses! Apparently that was the day that Dress a girl around the world people were delivering the pillowcase dresses. Some little girls would strip off right there and change into them. Some took their dress and ran for home to hang it up for special occasions.

And then Sunday is, of course, Father's Day. I won't tell you what we're giving my hubby, since he reads this blog every day. But let's just say, I hope the kids poked holes in the box!
We'll have a quick Father's Day lunch after church and then tell him to hit the road!
Actually he has to... He's attending a church convention this week where he's a delegate and he has to register by 5pm. The kids and I used to go with him every year, but ever since I started this new job (has it been almost 6 years?) it hasn't worked out for me to take that week off from work.
While he's in meetings all day, the kids and I would explore the college campus where it was held. Or go to the Minneapolis zoo, Mall of America or anything else we found online to visit. Did you know there's a safari type place you can drive through up there? We couldn't find that... We didn't have a GPS at the time or I'm sure we would have.

Have a wonderful weekend and tell us all about it on Monday!
wowwoooozzers! ur just a busy lady now aren't you! jury doody or puppy dooty---i take puppy doo:) LOL! what a fantastic experience for her to attend Haiti--so presh! have a wonderful weekend pretty lady:)
That is one busy week-end! Do you ever just relax and do nothing? I think I already know the answer ;o)
The Dress a Girl Around the World sounds wonderful! What a blessing to be a part of that.
Sounds like you are having a busy weekend too! Try to get some
Had you gone with your hubby, you could have visited me!!! I live a hop, skip and jump from the Mall of America! Poo! Well, I'm going to Indiana on Sunday, anyhow...but if you ever get a chance to go with him in the future, you let me know!!! I'd love to meet up with you!!!
That little girl is ADORABLE!
You are way too busy. LOL
Sounds super busy!
And schedule in time to breath. I couldn't do what you do.
Good luck and happy sewing this weekend!
What an awesome project! And how wonderful for your cousin's daughter to be able to be there and see their reactions in person.
I am so totally behind on blogging-but well I did move this week :)
Wow - thank goodness you're organized. That box with the holes sounds interesting:)
Can't wait to hear what it is!
Happy Father's Day to your hubby!
I bet he's getting a puppy!!!!!
You are always so busy! I could not be that busy. I am lazy that way.
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