We're boring people... Lilacs jazz up our day!
Someone was here to buy Bear Bear and another was coming in ten minutes to see the last one available to sell. That one, (aka Bruno) was playing under the lilac bush while the prospective puppy owner was cuddling with the other.
All of the sudden, Bruno yelped out and acted like he was in great pain! Tiffany and I held him and found that a lilac branch must have smacked him in the eye because Tiffany pulled a twig out of his eye an inch long. Yikes!
The guy left after paying half for the female pup. He'll be back on Friday to pick her up with his wife. And just then the other buyer drove up to see her little Bruno, who was still acting like he was dying... She seemed concerned... I told her we would get him to the vet and find out what's wrong, the entire time thinking that now we've got a blind pup on our hands. We were to keep her updated on his condition.
I called our vets office right away and it was of course his day off so he had to call me back and did in just a few minutes. He said, Come in and let's take a look!
Meri and I drove Bruno over and the vet plucked another smaller twig out of the puppies third eyelid. Did you know they have 3? He put a couple drops is the pups eyes and gave him the all clear!
And the best part was... He didn't charge us! Cool!
I called the lady that had just left and she came back to purchase him. WHEW!
Here is Meri with the one that left on Sunday to go to a friends. I think Tiffany will take it the hardest on Friday because Bear Bear was her favorite...

I'm ALMOST out of the puppy poopy business!!!
At least until next spring.
Oh you are a brave woman!! You are willingly going to do this again? LOL - I told my hubby I'd hurt him if he even suggested it. ;) The pups are so cute!
Aw all the puppy wanted was to feed and mama wanted nothing to do with that :o( Guess mama knew it was time to weene her babies.
So glad they all found homes. Can't believe you will do it again! Whew...it would be hard for me to send them all away.
An inch long?! Oooh, poor thing! That just gave me the heebie jeebies :p
I believe I've said it on just about every one of these posts, but I will keep saying it every time you post pictures: Those puppies are SOOO cute!
Glad to hear the little one was ok! And that sounds like a great vet!
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