Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sewing Frenzy before the calm

Now that the puppies are gone, well mostly... I've had a wee bit more time. Unless you count breaking the riding lawn mower and having to push a supposed self propelled mower that broke the self propelled part the same day.

Yep - that's how I fill my spare time these days! The lawn is big and the grass is long... *silly rain*

Last week I finished the purple skirt, purple shorts and pink shorts for my mom before they left for their vacation on Saturday early morning. Mom wore the pink shorts that morning.

What do you think?
Since she wasn't here to try them on while they were being sewn, I kind of guessed on some things, so they're not a perfect fit. But luckily with this style, they don't have to be exact.

I was hoping to get some more sewing in that weekend, but puppies kept me hopping and each lunch break and night this week has had something planned. So no sewing for me.

However, Meri has a dress that she's needing to complete before July 9th for the 4H style show. So she (with my supervision) managed in 30 minutes on Sunday to cut out one panel of the skirt. She'll be getting more done this weekend, I hope! Otherwise she'll not do the style show and just take it to the fair at the end of July to be judged on her sewing abilities.

I'll let you in on the pics as they get taken.

It's going to be a weird day...


Sonya Ann said...

Why is it when there is a problem more follow rapidly? We are going through the same thing here.
Chin up and all that!

slugmama said...

I live by the sage words of Rosanne Rosannadanna--
"It's always something..."

Gisa said...

Parabéns, ficou bonito e parece confortável! Boas férias para eles!

Michelle said...

Your mom and dad look so sweet in that picture. And, those shorts came out nice.

The Slapdash Sewist said...

So nice of you to sew vacation clothes for your mom! You are reminding me that I want to make a top for mine, just haven't been able to find the right fabric (a decent cotton knit with recovery? anyone? Bueller?).


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