Ok... Those things that I blogged about on Friday. You know... my wish list? I do plan on making all of those things, but I was kidding about the all "in July" part! I'm already on a pretty high stress level right now and actually lost a few pounds because of it... So the only thing that will probably get done by the end of July is the Mother of the Groom dress (From this point on known simply as the M.O.G.).

The wedding date is still to be nailed down, but looks to be in October of this year. I will be making the bride's gown as well as 4 bridesmaids dresses. But we don't have all the materials for that stuff yet, so I'm concentrating on the M.O.G. until we do because I had that fabric in my stash.

So anyway... Here is the fabric that I'm making the M.O.G out of. The sample (silky) that I made for fitting purposes was so cool! It was a little snug and the sleeves WAY snug, but once I ripped the sleeves off, the top looked crisp and good if I sucked in my gut. I may get a girdle of sorts this fall! So yesterday afternoon I cut into my final fabric with the adjustments in mind.

I had to add an extra inch around the biceps on the sleeves, because you KNOW I'm so buff!
I did have a minor set back when I realized the the grain of the fabric would make the stripes go horizontal on my body.
That's not good...* Because I had always envisioned this dress as having vertical lines and my body needs vertical! So I simply turned it! That may have been a mistake...
When I had the lining and the outer shell sewn together except for the sleeves I tried it on. Meri pinned up the back where the buttons will be and I got a good look at it in a mirror. It kind of hangs like a blue/gray sack... The weight of the dress will be difficult to figure out the exact hemline. Silky it's not...
I've got a bit of time before the satin and bridesmaid stuff comes into the house, so my husband thinks I can fix it. He likes it so far, but I'm skeptical. We'll see...
I had to a little research for Tiffany's dress. The back of the brides dress will be laced rather than the zipper that the pattern suggests. I found an awesome tutorial on how to do it from Sew Kansas
here. And I've got that post saved in my favorites!
Here is the bridal gown I'll be making in August and September. With the adjustments of the laced back and straight across the top of the bodice instead of curved down.

I couldn't find the camera that has the pictures of the bridesmaid gown pattern on it and I can't find it online... But they actually won't be too tough. At least I don't think so yet. Fitting will be the hard part.
I'm not actually a wonder woman... but I play one on my blog.
You are a sewing demon aren't you?! ;-) I've seen that particular M.O.G. pattern before and really like it.
TY for stopping by my blog. Glad you found the tute for the neck cooler. I altered my son's. He wears one around his neck when he's on his motorcycle. I cut the tie ends much shorter and serged the raw ends. Then took my snap setter tool and fixed the cooler and his motorcycle jacket so that the cooler would snap in.
Check into hat liners and rehydration vests too. My husband bought a vest for when he rode his motorcycle around the Grand Canyon. Either/both might help your son be more comfortable.
I'll be back when I have more time to visit your blog!
I can't wait to see the finished dresses! You will certainly be busy!! ;-)A super Mom for sure! Have a great evening!
You are such a rockstar. I can't wait to see how it all turns out, friend. :)
You really are amazing. I would be so thin by the time the wedding rolled around from all the vomiting. If I had to make a wedding dress that would be it for me!
Wow, so impressive. LOVE LOVE LOVE ;)
You'll look lovely in it, I'm sure. You are brave to sew the bride's gown, the bridesmaid's dresses and yours. Wow. Even if it's not all done in July you're still Wonder Woman in my eyes.
What a nice thing to do making all those dresses! Good luck with that!
I can't wait to see all of your progress on these dresses. You are a sewing demon! And, I mean that in the best way.
What???? I'm reading your posts in reverse, because I've been gone all of July. What in the WORLD???? I'm going to be reading like a speed demon, now, to take in all I've missed...because it's obviously been a LOT!
Oh...and I can't wait to see pics of this dress on you!
You ARE a wonder woman! I have not made any dresses in SO long. I used to sew like you do. Not anymore.
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