But then I asked her about horsehair braid and got the deer in the headlights look. Oops... She had never heard of it. While there I checked the pattern instructions and found that it's used for the hem, so in my mind I thought I could just use ribbon if I can't track any down.

On Saturday, an ASG (American Sewing Guild) friend who offered to help me out showed up at 9am! What a relief!!! While she did some finish up work on Maddy's dress and put in the zipper on Meri's, I cut out the wedding gown. All 3 layers of everything. Except for one piece of the satin! I was following the directions explicitly on how to lay out the pieces so the fabric flows the same way on all the pieces and then realized I was one yard short! How on EARTH did that happen?! I'm thinking the gal cutting it got off count by one yard...
So instead of running down to JoAnns that day, I finished up what I could. Also found out that my marking system doesn't wash out, especially of white satin! I used a small sponge of bleachy water and blotted it as much as I could. Then took the seam in another 1/4 inch to get rid of it. I hope the dress isn't TOO tight on her! dang. Good thing it's a laced up back! Some wiggle room will be needed, definitely!
Got it started getting sewing together as much as I could with the underlining and lining too. Had to piece one bit of lining together. But since that's not going to be shown, who cares?
Saturday night I crashed at 8:30pm. Exhausted with a headache. Hubs was out of town and Meri had been babysitting until a bit later. She left me a goodnight note on the bed. She SAYS that she talked with me... I'll bet all I did was mumble.
I don't remember...
Sunday after church, I stopped by JoAnns to pick up 1.75 yards of the satin. Found the horsehair braid stuff too! But didn't buy any on this trip. I want to come back and see the great people at JoAnns again in a week or so! Came home and found the satin I found was the wrong color white! WHERE was my head?! AND the sample scrap I had brought along!?

Mid afternoon Sunday I got to meet a blogger friend!!!! Stephanie at Babe's Rockin' Mami. She lives out east but was in Iowa to visit family and had invited me to a park for her son's second birthday party. Meri and I drove over and met Stephanie, her husband and adorable son, as well as family and friends. I think we must have thought he was turning 3 and not 2... So the gift was probably a wee bit inappropriate for his age. 3D Sidewalk Chalk. I almost bought a set for myself! Too cool!
CRUMB! I left the IPod in the car and it has a pic of Steph and I on it! My son already left for his first day at his new job with my car...
Oh! And I dropped my IPod on the patio yesterday, SMACK facedown. Crushed some of the screen at the top and bottom. It's a touch screen but still works tho. weird. It was a gift, so Robb will check out if he bought insurance on it.
On the way home, we stopped at JoAnns again. They LOVE me there!!! (Where is the rolling eye's font?) I brought along a cut out piece of the dress and laid it on every white satin they had on one of their cutting tables. They didn't mind. (again.. where can I stick in rolling eyes?) FINALLY found the piece and as luck would have it, there was EXACTLY 1.75 yards left on the bolt. God must have known my heart couldn't take much more of this frantic fabric fiasco...

After that went to visit a dear friend for a little bit and the puzzle that we've been working on for the last 8 months is ALMOST done! I left her with the hard all black pieces and came on home. Robb was home from his trip and had made supper! Then I relaxed for the rest of the evening.
Yes I DO know how to relax!
It's called sitting on the couch with your feet up venting, tickling your daughters feet & joking around with your family.
Yay! Ryan got a new job!
Glad you got some help with the wedding stitch insanity.
You need a week in bed when this is over...seriously!
I'd insist on it.lol
Good for Ryan!
Boo for dropping the iPod.
I repaired some clothes this weekend. On my machine. I felt super awesome.
Yay for meeting blog friends. :)
All this wedding talk makes me want to get married again...oh, but I'm already married, DARN!
My 7yo also dropped his Ipod (on cement), I didn't get the insurance...$114 OOP to send it to CA & it wasn't fixable & they sent out a new one :( He is NOT allowed to take it outside anymore!!!
Sounds like you have been quite busy!! :-) So cool you got to meet a fellow blogger! :-)
Have a great week!
You really are amazing! I don't know how you get it all done. You need to be an organizer.
Good luck with sewing this week!
WOW reading about your week-end made me tired! Though if you are like me, sewing is a way of stress relief, except for sewing with satin, that's hard work...
crazy busy weekend! He LOVES chalk and I was actually probably a wee bit more excited about the 3D factor then he was but ya know. We can't wait to use it while it's still warm!
Great meeting you two gals! Sorry I wasn't more social!
To lembrando de quando fiz o vestido de uma amiga... minha mesa e a cozinha inteira tinha tecido, linhas... ai ai ai haha
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