There is a detour in our town today as well as yesterday that drives all the population past our house which was once on a dead end road. I hope it gives the 4 houses that are for sale on it some good exposure. ESPECIALLY one of them! Ok two.
It's not mine. As I've already mentioned, I will never move again.
Over lunch yesterday, I stitched in the horsehair braid on to the wedding dress hem and started pinning it with Tiffany.

Then last night, instead of Taekwondo, *because I'm a skipper* I started handstitching the hem.

And yes... Those are reading glasses that I use. I can't thread a needle without them...
I now know why the underlining was important! It makes the edge of the hem look fabulous!

Just spent 30 minutes talking to my sister with the preemie! She sounds great and gets out of the hospital on Friday however baby Braedon needs to stay in for about another month...

I asked on Freecycle for some preemie clothes for a boy and hit the mother-load! My sister WILL have clothes for that baby, WHEN he finally gets to come home. And I've got a month to finish the little outfit for him to celebrate his homecoming. He was baptized at the hospital.
Well... enough hem and hawing... I better get some work done today. Talk at you all tomorrow!
Your a skipper?
I thought you were gilligan....
Seriously I think you are the hardest working woman on the blog roll. You are no skipper. Glad that Braedon is okay.
Oh wow, he's so tiny! How awesome that you've gotten so many clothes for him!!!!
Don't talk, sew!
And I'm glad that new addition to the family with have some clothes thanks to you. You really are great!
poor thing, so small ...
you spoke of glasses ... I need an urgent ...
looks like a wedding dress? I do not to understand much... as the strips will beautiful detail.
The hem is beautiful! Sending good thoughts to your sister and nephew.
You naughty skipper you!
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