It was great for me! No social networking distractions! All day yesterday, except for the appropriate potty, meal and laundry breaks was spent sewing. I added the two lower layers of Meri's dress and the ribbons on all three, as well as the arm scythe ribbons. AND figured out how to mask the waist underneath so you wouldn't see my serging. I'm just going to cover it up with another ribbon!

Got the lining sewed in on Saturday so that I could really focus on the laced up back. I put it in once, then tried it on Tiffany. If I laced it all the way up as tight as I could, she'd still be pulling it up all evening, so I took out the lacings and moved them out quite a ways to make it work better. It looks beautiful on her so far!

So I'm seeing a light at the end of the sewing tunnel, but see lots of other projects that have been lining up ready to take their place. The dining room table will be full for a long time to come. Sorry hon!
One of them is a baptism outfit out of my sisters wedding gown for a new nephew that I thought I had until November to make.
Yesterday morning early I got a text from her that she was headed to the emergency room. She was due right around Thanksgiving Day. Found out by noon that I was an auntie again! Oh that poor kid... It was very rough morning for her and her husband. But they now have a little LITTLE boy to add to their little family. His big sister will love him to death if given the chance. My sister is doing great, but emergency surgeries, as I know full well, will make recovery a long process.

You've been busy! ☺ Found this video on YouTube that might help with the lacing issues...
Praying for your sweet nephew. Happy Tuesday! ☺
Little Braedon is precious! I love his name too ;)
Oh my word, that little bitty precious baby. Keeping Braedon in my prayers... and your sis and the rest of the family as well.
I love the color of Meri's dress! What is this one for - is she in the wedding? Can't wait to see more of the wedding dress, but what you showed us looks great! :)
Oh, such a precious little boy!! He will definitely be in my prayers!! :)
You, your sister and nephew are in my thoughts. My daughter (now 27) was 3 lb., 7 oz. when she was born, so I know what your sis is going through.
Prayers all round for everyone concerned from here!
And I about fainted when you said....
"I think I can find an easier way to do this before the next wedding dress I make".
Good gosh woman, let's hope you have a few years before that day comes!!lol
Definitely WILL pray for Braden! That little girl NOra I blogged about that was born Aug. 14th at 14 OUNCES is still holding her own...and growing - beating all the odss!...she's eating up to 7 ml of milk a day now and is gaining weight...soon she may catch up to Braden! So, it will be easy to pray with faith for Braden! :)
oHHHHH! ALL THAT OTHER STUFF JUST wiped away after i got to the end of this sweet little post:) How precious---so glad he's okay and breathing on his own! scary when you have them early--sending warm wishes:) i think the days are nice when you go internetless but like you said, everyone goes berzerk without it! a lot of productivity in your neck of the woods, as usual!:) have a nice week pretty lady!
I prayed and cried a little. Poor baby, I will continue to pray for him.
And you are doing a wonderful job with all of the sewing!
Had to laugh about your hub's playing games by himself. The boys here seem to self destruct without internet.
Prayers for Braedon.
Definitely will pray for that little boy! How many weeks was she along?
Will put on to our prayer chain, he is so tiny.
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