Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In The Zone

On Thursday night of last week, I helped out with the cross country track meet hosted by our school. Several schools competed that evening. I was under the impression that I could grab another parent to sit at my post while Maddy was running, but I got stuck in the back forty of the golf course where it was being held.

It was a hike to walk across the golf course, over a bridge and back down the length of the golf course again. If I wasn't 45, I'd so try to get into cross country running myself! It might not have taken as long as it took me.

NO ONE was over here.

And I mean NO ONE!

Which in a way was good... I sat for 2 hours in a little shelter in very nice temps (until they dropped 20 degrees in 30 minutes) and made some phone calls to a few of my sisters and parents in preparation for the wedding. And of course just to chit chat... It was very relaxing.

The scenery was lovely!
Every 20-30 minutes or so, 20-30 sweaty boys or girls would run past me and I'd have to direct them around a big hole in the ground and send them down a path by the trees. If necessary I'd have to report any kids trying to cut corners. No one did. They were all two exhausted and just followed the white chalk line.

Must follow line... gasp. Must follow line... gasp.

And since no other parent was able to spot me for a few minutes, I only got to see Maddy run past once so I took as many pictures as I could before the battery on my camera was exhausted.
Yep. It died right after this one! So I got two. And since the finish line was directly across a creek from me, I could hear the parents cheering for them when they got there. I could distinctly hear my husband cheering for Maddy.

She didn't even remember seeing me... She was "In The Zone"!


Macey said...

You have been so stinkin' busy!

mamahasspoken said...

Kudos to Maddy for running cross country. I know I wouldn't make it 100 feet let alone the miles they have to do.....

Sheila said...

Funny, I can take a million pictures for my blog & the camera dies @ my son's 1st Holy Communion party :-( & I love running too!!!


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