Meri didn't get the solo that she tried out for last week for her school concert coming up. Probably a good thing, as her voice is almost gone from this cold she's in the middle of.
She also didn't pass her last Taekwondo testing and will try for her black belt again in January.
I took a couple of the presents and the baptism outfit I've been sewing to my sewing meeting last night. The women were very encouraging and gave me some tips on how to take a pucker out from under the zipper on one of them. Whew! I'll work on that over lunch, if I get one.
Had to scrape the windows this morning and as usual, stuck my tongue out at Meri after I scraped her window. It's tradition and she'd feel bad if I didn't. Isn't it funny the things you start when the kids are really little and they just catch on?
Now that the hedgehog is out of my office, I'm rearranging my fabric stash. Now that it's more accessible, my daughter-in-law has been coming out here more often and exploring through it and dreaming about things. Can we make a baby bumper pad out of this? Wouldn't this make a great shirt? I need 45.3 more hours in the day I tell you...

Sipping stale Diet Coke this morning. I really need to get to the store.
Well, that's enough of my strands of thought this morning. I need to start focusing them on work junk now. Have an awesome day and don't let the wolves nip at your feet. I guess I need some fresh pop... the caffeine is all out of this one...
Wow that's a lot of fabric!
I agree with Michelle...that is a lot of fabric!
I'd love to shop your fabric. Just to have. I hoard it.
Cranberry omelette. Yeah. That would be sick.
I'm with everyone else. The fabric stash is amazing. Love the cheesy dip in your eggs idea! Pop? We just call it Coke.
I thought you were going to say you stuck your tongue to the window. We both need help.
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