Friday. I had to work until 5. Had an interesting conversation with my boss that included "Jesus Christ, Superstar", the weather and pigs.
After 5pm, all of Robb's side of the family started to arrive. We had a soup supper and opened gifts.

But now, about 8 games into the family edition, I'm thinking the adult version probably does lean more towards nudity... My personal family did NOT get the adult version. WHEW! One of the cards already told me to do a belly dance and show my belly skin... I can only imagine what the adult version has in it... Thank you Carma for your belly dancing tips!!! In another game I had to wear one of the Taekwondo helmets and sit under the table for a while. What a weird but fun game!
Come Saturday morning, there was only one family who stayed over. The girls and I went shopping and I finished up all the personal family gifts that we'd be unwrapping on Sunday. Went home and a sister-in-law and her family came back for the afternoon. She helped wrap and mostly gabbed with Maddy and I as we wrapped. That night was my churches Christmas Eve service. Kind of quiet, since most families were out of town. Went back on Christmas morning to church and there was a more substantial crowd. Meri and Maddy got presents from Grandpa Dale! (A guy at church who was once mistaken as Robb's father and the kids jokingly gave him their Christmas lists... Meri got a pony (toy) and Maddy got a coffee single)

After Robb's brother and his family left for their next leg of the Christmas tour, our personal family had our Christmas. I asked Robb to read the Christmas story from the Bible before we began. He turned around and found Luke 2 on and apparently it has a read-to-me function now. In the voice of Nigel from my GPS, we were read the Christmas story. Ah technology... It really needs a tweaking. I had to stop him when it got into the circumcision part... and then had to explain "kind of" what that was to my 11 year old...

Monday we all kind of did our own thing. I finally had a chance to examine my gifts. I got a necklace and earring set from Meri, a pair of mocs from Mad, to name a couple. I also received a Bluetooth for my cell phone and that in itself will save me lots of money on Chiropractic visits! I also got a large print Bible, a hoody sweater, cookbook and a red union suit to name a few more gifts. I've never had long johns before! Can't wait until it's cold enough to use them!
That afternoon we all went to a matinee and then a couple stores for the kids to use a couple of their various gift cards. Ryan and Tiffany saw The Darkest Hour and the rest of us saw We Bought A Zoo. That was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.
And today I'm back in my office, looking miserably around. It looks like a few elves had a knock down, drag out fight in here. I need a garbage bag. and I look forward to my next three day weekend coming up...
How was your Christmas?
Sounds like a good Christmas! Mine was good.
Isn't it amazing that there are adult versions of games now? What happened to Twister? We played Minute to Win It and had a ball. Looks like a great time. Happy New Year to you and yours. Waiting on the video of the bagpipe playing.
You had a great Christmas! We did too ;)
Thanks for sharing your Christmas with us and I can't wait for the picture of you in your long-johns!
We had a lovely Christmas too. Here's to a fantastic new year!
In one word: CRAP!
Glad you had a wonderful day.
We had a great Christmas, but yours sounds so lively in the best way! I might have to pay a visit next year! lol
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