Our guest "blogger" is my husband, Robb! This is our annual Christmas letter. I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful Christmas!
We are pleased to announce a new member of the family. Ryan married a lovely young woman named Tiffany. Tiffany is originally from Georgia, but has lived in and around Des Moines for much of her school life. They had a lovely outdoor ceremony and included Maddy and Meri as bridesmaids. Val spent the months leading up to the wedding sewing the bride’s dress, Maddy’s and Meri’s bridesmaid dresses, and her own dress. Tiffany is attending cosmetology school and Ryan is job hunting. They are currently living with us until Tiffany finishes school.
Maddy turned 17 in October and is a junior in high school. She is very involved in music and theater activities in school. In March, her group sang the National Anthem at the State Basketball tournament. Her jazz band competed at the State Jazz Band competition. She was recognized as an outstanding soloist and was awarded a scholarship to Jazz camp over the summer. Maddy is very college minded. I’ve suggested she either goes to a local college and commutes from home, or the whole family moves to wherever she chooses for college. She says she is planning on attending college at an undisclosed location. Maddy surprised us by going out for Cross Country this year. At her first meet, her goals were to finish, to not throw up, and to not cry. She met all her goals. Of approximately 200 girls running the 4k race, Maddy finished 7th….from the end. She steadily improved for each meet, and at the end of the season, she went to State… as a spectator. We are very proud of the effort and determination she put forth.
Meri will turn 12 in January. It is amazing how much she is growing up. One of her major achievements this year has been to get taller than her older sister. Maddy isn’t so pleased. Meri is in 6th grade and enjoying school. Her main interests include music, singing, sewing and Tae Kwon Do. She is working to earn her first degree black belt early in 2012. Meri is still sewing and designing. She entered a dress for the State Fair and placed 3rd in her division. Much of Meri’s summer centered on her dogs. She entered both “Duke” and “Ellie” in the county 4-H fair for obedience, and received purple ribbons. You’d never guess this from their behavior at home. Also this past spring, Ellie gave birth to 8 golden retriever puppies. From spring to the first part of July, Meri spent much of her time taking care of them, playing with them, and showing them off to perspective buyers. She made a nice income, especially when you factor in all the expenses (food, vet bills, advertising, etc) paid by me.
My mother continues to live with us. She had a knee replacement in August. As part of her recovery, she decided to get a little puppy. It is a Chihuahua/Pekinese/Shih Tzu mix. She named him Teddy and he brings her much joy. Taking him for walks is big part of her exercise program. In November she made a brief trip to my brother’s house in the Chicago area.
We still have our two Golden Retrievers, Duke and Ellie, our Basset Hound Sorsha, along with Tiffany’s dog Butter, and my mom’s dog Teddy. With five dogs, things can get a little chaotic. Last weekend we were trying to figure out why different sections of our pre-lit, 12 ft, Christmas tree were occasionally going out and then magically starting up again. Finally we realized that the Basset Hound, Sorsha, was hiding out under the tree and brushing up against the plugs.
Val continues working for XXXXXXXXXX, out of California. Since she works from her home office, over the Internet, it is hard to beat her commute. She is a Sunday school teacher to the preschool class this year. It can be quite a challenge. Activities and demonstrations are a big part of the class. They have ranged from splashing sinks full of water to demonstrate the parting of the Red Sea, to a “talking” stuffed gorilla, answering Bible questions. She is enjoying it and apparently learning a lot. Val is still active with the American Sewing Guild, ASG, and is the quarterly newsletter editor. Her sewing projects have included two formal dresses for Maddy, Sweet Heart Ball and Prom (because you can’t wear the same dress twice), Tiffany’s wedding dress, bridesmaid dresses, and various Christmas gifts. She entered the Prom dress in the State Fair and won 2nd place in the Special Occasions division.
As for me, I continue to ignore the wishes of my neighbors and the numerous ordinances the town has enacted against me and play Auld Lang Syne on my bagpipes in front of the house at midnight, on New Years Eve. I’m sure they secretly enjoy it and are just too shy to say. Other performances this year with the full pipe band, have included St. Patrick’s day at several pubs in the Des Moines area, and four different parades. Short, rainy, cool parades, beat long, hot, humid parades.
With the Christmas Season upon us, always keep in mind the true meaning of Christmas. God, in his mercy, sent Jesus to suffer in our place, to save us from our sins and to restore peace on earth. Peace between God and man. Have a blessed and peaceful Christmas.
Robb, Val, Ryan, Tiffany, Maddy & Meri
Merry Christmas to your family! I loved reading your Christmas letter and reliving all that has happened with your family.
I wish I were your neighbor...I would love to hear you play bagpipes on New Year's Eve!
Best wishes for you now and in the new year.
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