My house was gorgeous when we bought it and I considered doing that Christmassy tour of homes at that time, but since then we've cluttered it up a bit and turned it into a nice fixer upper. So that's out now.

Well anyway, she asked me over last night to help her paint their master bathroom. She had a stripe taped up one wall and handed me a roller with a tray of paint. I painted that stripe, then over one wall and down another. Skipped a wall and painted just behind the toilet. It's beautiful! While we worked, her husband came in to scrub up the shower.
"Val, you don't mind if hubs takes a bath while we work, do you?"
"Um no... I'll keep my back turned..."
She's kind of zany that way. Oh and he didn't take a bath, but rather turned a few shades of red darker and eventually left the room.
I was going to bring a camera for the before and after bathroom, but forgot it at home. Sorry... Just suffice it to say that it's very pretty and beige is a very understated but beautiful color.
Oh and I didn't drip paint once! well... except for accidentally hitting the toilet with the roller. But it cleaned up quickly.
Heading to my hubs company Christmas party tonight! Looking forward to a night out with good friends and good food. I'll take pictures... maybe.
Have a wonderful weekend!
YOU are a GOOD friend to help paint. ☺ It's always much more fun to paint with a friend anyway. Please go back and take tour photos. Happy Friday! ☺
Oh booger, I wanted to see the wall!!!
Your friend sounds like quite the kidder!
Have a blast and a half at your Hubs party tonight!
God bless and have a wonderful weekend sweetie!!!
You are amazing. With as much as you do, you deserve to be super thin. Well, that is what I tell everyone about me. I need a friend that is good with color. My house is a mess anymore.
Our bathroom needs a coat or two of paint - how quick can you get here?
Your subject line is so clever that I had to give you props! You are a good friend. I've only helped one friend paint--but she's my neighbor and she helped me in return.
Did you have a fun time at the party?
Nobody ever asks me to help them paint.
It never goes well.
I just knew you were going to say that you spilled the paint. Good job for not even spilling a drop. You are so nice to help your friend like that.
Have fun!
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