Anyone notice the Christmas music on the radio lately!!??!!! As predicted last year, Maddy was driving when she noticed it and almost drove off the road in her excitement. Then had to drive VERY carefully the rest of the way home because a policeman noticed her antics and followed her...
I made 3 scarves over the weekend that I found on Pinterest. Super easy and super cute. Meri was in a bum-my mood this morning so I let her wear the black & white one to school. She's happy now. If you're on Pinterest, look me up! I'm Val Mc. Tutorials: Scarf 1, Scarf 2, Scarf 3.

Some of you know this already.... but I'm going to be a grandmother this spring! I guess the gray hairs my son gave me when he turned 16 was to prepare me to look the part for this next chapter in my life. I've been practicing my famous baby football hold with any baby I can get my hands on... Some mothers are avoiding me now.
On Saturday night, I went on a mini road trip with a great friend that I so rarely see anymore since she moved to the next town 6 miles away. We just went to Pier 1 Imports and Lowes, but it might as well have been a Thelma & Louise vacation. We almost died a few times on the highway from our laughing. I haven't laughed so hard in years! We were attacked by a cat that we thought had a plastic bag over it's head, but apparently it was a chips bag and it was eating dinner... Well.. We cut down on litter anyway, if not saving the angry cat's life.
Maddy was feeling ill on Sunday night so instead of going to the cross country end of season awards program, we watched The Blues Brothers on Netflix, her, Robb & I. It was a blast! My toe is still tapping. Ah John Belushi... We miss you.
Well... Back to the old grind of work. Spending my lunch hour with a friend and may get more sewing done tonight.
How was your weekend?
I have that fringey scarf pinned too! Love the lace enhanced infinity scarf.. I'll try that one. Great job on your scarves! I'll look for you on {P}. NOw about that Grandbaby thing.. I honestly think I'm the only one in existence with no grandbabies. Yet. Bet you're more than excited!! Cool story about the cat too - sounds like a blast with your friend! Sometimes the simplest of things are truly the best. -Tammy
Oh gosh....I LOVE those scarves! Now if you could just give me a tutorial on how to Pinterest, I'd be ever so grateful. I just can't seem to get the hang of that site!!
Great scarves! My-oh-my you had a busy weekend. Hope Maddie is feeling better today. Thanks for linking up. Happy Monday! ☺
PS...Congratulations, Grandma! I'm a great-Aunt twice over now. Love those babies! ☺
Your life is so much fun and busy but so much fun!
I love the scarfs! I'm still inspired.
Love the fringe idea!
Thelma & Louise?! LOL!
That movie reminds me of how young Brad Pitt was!
Goin to look you up! :)
Great list of facts!
I love those scarfs! You should sell them on your blog...just an idea. I'll buy one!
Congrats on the grand baby! I know you are excited. I will look you up on Pinterest. A great site!
YOU are going to be a grandmother? Seriously?
Is that your profile picture up above or did you steal your daughter's?
Your Friend, m.
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