Today looks like the first real snow we've had all winter. There were about 3-4 inches in the driveway that I had to crunch through to get to the car. Meri complained when I lowered her window to get rid of some of the pileup on it. The snow tends to fall in on her.
And it's still snowing.
SURE, the backyard now has all the dog poop covered...
The town ordinance says that we can't park in the street when snow comes until the snow plows get done. I haven't seen a snow plow yet this morning. And we have to clear our sidewalks within 24 hours of the snow ending.
I'll probably be blowing snow in the dark tonight. Good thing the machine has a headlight...
The new tires came Monday for my car via Fed-ex. I took one of them and the shredded tire to the service station yesterday and he had the new tire on the rim by lunch time. So I took it home and changed the tire on the opposite side of the donut tire and took that very worn tire and the remaining new tire in at the end of my lunch time.
Did I mention it was 3 degrees yesterday in the sun? But no wind, so it felt almost tropic.
Then when I picked up Meri after school, he had the 2nd one done. So before the sun went down at 5:15, I had the donut in the trunk and new tires on the back of my Baby! (I mean the car when I said Baby... My Pinto was named Tom Cruise or Cruiser... This one is Baby. Don't you name YOUR cars?)
I am SOOOOO glad I got that done yesterday or Baby would never have made it up the largest incline in central Iowa this morning with the un-plowed roads we have this morning on a donut.

We got a big dumping of snow yesterday too... Was windy & COLD too... such is life. ;)
You are asking a LOT there for a no blower winter in Iowa!lol
I knew Ryan was a car ditcher but I didn't know he was a tire shredder too. The things I learn online....
I am glad you are on safe tires again. That's one thing I can check off of my "Things I need to worry about" List. ;-)
We have a pretty snow fall today. Hopefully the wind will not blow. The kids are so happy we finally have snow.
"Did I mention it was 3 degrees yesterday in the sun? But no wind, so it felt almost tropic." LOL, it is a balmy 20 degrees here!
And yes, our snowblower remains untouched too.
Our luck has held...we've had two snows so far. One was 1/2 inch and the second was about 1 inch.
We don't even own a snow blower anymore. It seems like our snows are usually too wet and heavy for a snow blower to work.
Tons of people name their cars, but I never have. I'm lame.
You town has some crappy ordinances. I mean, yeah, helpful I guess, but sucky when you have to do the work. LOL
Very tropical indeed!
cozy weekend, McVal!
I'm the slowblower at this house. Hmmm that sounded bad.
Anna named her car Helen. My van is ol' girl. We have issues too.
Glad that you had your tire fixed the day before too - snow driving is hard enough.
We got about 3 inches today, but I was happy to see it:)
I just want some cold weather here. It has felt like Spring here. Ugh! I want some Winter.
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