We can be rude in Iowa!!!!
But any-stuff...
I was inspired, if you can call it that, to create my own list of S### Iowans Say. But because I only swear under my breath or at our dogs, it shall be called Stuff Iowans Say.
In General:
Is this Iowa? No. It's heaven.
I'm from Iowa, we don't know what cool is! ~ Ashton Kutcher, the late Mr. Moore.
Do you smell that? Is it coming from that hog building, like 5 miles out of town?
You can always tell which way the wind is blowing...
There's the noon whistle! Yep, it's noon all right.
There's the noon whistle! Hey, it's not noon! There must be a fire somewhere. Let's drive around til we find it!
What time do the entries need to be at the fair?
That's not mayo on that jello, is it? yum.
We do amazing things with Corn!
Iowa: It's pretty easy to spell!
In Fall:
It's raining AGAIN??
I LOVE how beautiful the leaves look as they change!
High School football on a Friday night! Who's with me!?
In Winter:
You WIENIES! Stay off the road if you can't drive on a dusting of snow! They must be visiting from out of state...
I wonder if that snow storm will hit us.
They're canceling school for THIS? WIENIES...
Is that snow? Oh, no, I guess not, it's the chaff from the Co-op blowing around.
Call Time & Temperature and see if school is still on.
Does "the hill" have enough snow to go sledding yet?

In Spring:
I need to get those dresses done!!! (Ok - that one's mainly just me...)
Oh look! The chocolate eggs look awesome in the Sedum plants!
AHHH! That sun feels so good.
Rain? Seriously?!
Where are my shorts packed away at?
In Summer:
Let's fry an egg on the sidewalk!
HOW many more times do we have to MOW this summer?!
If God wants the car washed, He'll send rain.
Come on guys! Work on your 4-H projects! The fair is like NEXT week!
Ah, doesn't it feel good, when you get into a closed up car and it warms you up right to your bones?
Then you pit out and it's not so nice anymore...
I can't WAIT for winter!
I did an Oregon post like this a couple years ago. I think?
We don't say things like that in IL. We mostly complain about taxes and the people that live in WI. It's like Russia up there and you need to have papers to get in. Well not that bad but the cops pick off the people with IL plates to fund everything up there. At least the Illinoisans are up front about it and make you pay huge tolls to enter the state. And I've said too much.
Heeehehehe, ya gotta know how I loved this post.
This was great!
Have a blessed week sweetie!!! :o)
HEY some of those are said in Kentucky too! Especially any weather related ones ;o)
That whole noon whistle/fire thing happens "in town". lol
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