Guess who's in the Ad business now!

My other daughter has created a blog about her TAG service project! She just started
For her project, she's learning how to knit and will organize other people who can or want to learn how. Also, she'll be finding other knitting enthusiasts out there who would like to help. During this process, She and her knitters will be making lots of hats, scarves and mittens to eventually send to an orphanage in the Ukraine. She had emailed our pastor about places that could use them and he forwarded it on to a pastor who visits this orphanage every year.

I haven't knitted since middle school... So it's kind of rough! But I am determined to contribute to her cause. Some orphan in the Ukraine will have a scrudly looking scarf, but at least the little tyke will be warm.
Please check out her blog and see if you'd like to help!
I'm heading over there right now. No promises, though, since I'm having trouble "tending to my own knitting" as it is.
I think it's awesome. I subscribed so I can follow along with her project.
Such an impressive family!!!!
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