So yes... Two weeks after Christmas, I'm teaching about how Jesus was born. It's ok to get a little behind, right?? I asked them how their Christmases were and what their favorite present was.

Then the first girl that hadn't told me what she got yet said in a grumbly voice and her head low like she was angry, "I got a broken kitchen..."
Well I'm sure your Daddy can fix it for you... "No, he can only fix cars."
Okey dokey then!
Chuckling about it, I talked to her mom later and told her what E had said. She started laughing and said that she hadn't gotten a kitchen at all, but the girl was very angry that she hadn't gotten a dollhouse she'd wanted even though she already had three.
So little did I realize that we'd struck a nerve...
My neice told me the other day that I could come to her birthday party...if I bring her a present! We are working on getting that thought out of her head. :)
Jesus would tell E. to stop coveting what other's have. Advice that he got from his Father by the way!
Out of the mouth of babes.... love the little ones, thats why I enjoy doing holiday club at our church, just love the absolute honesty of children
Pissed off kids are the BEST! Wait pissed off kids are the best when they aren't yours.
LOL SonyAnn.
lol! I spend my days with 7 yr olds, so I never know what I might hear. Never a dull moment.
AWWWWW!!! Such an important life lesson to learn at such an early age! Kiddos to the mother, I can see what she is saying.
Cutest SS story ever! But yet so sad!! Important life lessons.. yes :) You're blessed to have these kiddos.. such a cute and interesting age group. -Tammy
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