Went minor grocery shopping last night. That's when you go along with someone else while they shop and you find things that you forgot you needed. Or your kids caught you on the way out the door and felt they needed. Chips, fruit snacks, frozen vegetables, shampoo, tofu... Yeah! One of my kids thinks they're going to be a vegetarian again for a while.
I should have picked up some bacon wrapped filets...

With any luck, he'll say, "Hey! Let's go have a baby today!"
I hope so.
I'm suddenly hungry for some bacon.
My daughter is a vegan. She makes some pretty tasty food, but it's hard for me to cook that way when she visits. At least yours will probably eat eggs, cheese and honey. I don't think I could do it...I'd miss bacon too much.
I'm not much for the vegan life style. I love meat too much for that.
Baby will come tomorrow, I know it because that's the day I guess ;o)
I could be vegan...if I could eat a steak every now and then. ☺ Hope you accomplished everything in your busy day. And hope it's Baby day too. Happy Tuesday! ☺
Mmmmmmmmmm, bacon. I can feel my arteries clogging as we speak.
Bacon....mmmmm.....bacon....what? baby? yeah. bacon....
Feed Tiphanie some bacon...a lot of bacon until her blood pressure goes up and the dr. thinks the baby is causing it and schedules her for an induction STAT!!lolol
See? Bacon is a miracle drug.
I think I could live on bacon. Crossing my finger for a baby soon!
Baby Leon needs to get a move on! Can't wait to see him myself!
Can't wait to see pics of the baby once he comes! :)
Vegan would be difficult...although I have been living on yogurt mixed with blueberries & granola with whipped cream on top. Not sure why, but it sits really well! And it's yummy! :)
Mmm.. I could go for a bacon sandwich on fresh white bread with ketchup. Haven't had one of those since I was a kid!
Speaking of kids - what's taking so darn long:)
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