My outside investment of $1.
Here it is. 1 part Dawn dishwashing soap (I'm using the blue generic stuff)
plus 2 parts Hydrogen Peroxide.
Pour them both into the spray bottle and you're good to go.

I need to buy another spray bottle because my daughter in law has fallen in love with this stuff and taken it upstairs.
Spray a little bit around on the counter and it cleans up really well with a damp cloth.
Spray some in the shower and the soap scum and grunge clean up quickly.
For Carpeting!!!
I used this mixture for a pretreatment on our cream colored carpet. We have 5 dogs (6 this week, we're dog sitting). With dogs, there are occasional accidents, vomiting and chew ups of messy things. We have a carpet steam cleaner, but it hasn't been able to keep up with the dog stuff. And to be quite honest, I haven't been working that hard to keep my carpets pristine lately. Too many other important things to attend to... Like this blog and popcorn making.
Plus when you tilt this cleaner up a little, one of the many brushes fall out. It's not in the best shape anymore... But then again, who is?
So when I was preparing for the baby shower, I attacked the carpets. Spraying this mixture on any and all spots, especially high traffic areas. Then brushing it with a scrub brush or wet washcloth. Then in my steam cleaner, in addition to the cleaning solution, I've been adding another 1/2 to 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide to it. I went over the entire living room carpet really slowly. I must have emptied the dirty water 2 dozen times in the process. Oh, did the same thing to the rugs in the kitchen. The carpet still isn't like it was 14 years & 3 weeks ago when we moved in... but it's looking a heap of a lot better than it did last week.

So anyway. That's my testimonial to a recipe that I didn't invent. Don't know who did, but THANKS!!! I need to go now and pick up a few more spray bottles to make more.
And buy some stock in Hydrogen Peroxide...
I have an all-purpose cleaner that I make, but yours sounds easier, so I'm going to give it a try soon.
And I agree, popcorn making is a very high priority.
I’m in the same boat as you - only we have 4 dogs. I’m going to try this combo this weekend.
Great, I'm making this TY ;)
So many great ideas on there! :-) Did you know you can pin your blog there too? I did :-) Have a great week!
I had to go ahead and try this. Spot treated the carpet in our room and it worked great. Tried a small area in the shower and it cut right through the soap scum like you said. Guess I'll be doing some cleaning later this week. :)
I also heard equal parts Dawn and vinegar work well in the shower too.
So if I put peroxide in my steamer it won't bleach the carpet or anything???
I've used peroxide for ages for cleaning shit.
All that Oxi-this and Oxi-that they have been selling for years? The active ingredient ie;the ingredient that CLEANS in it is peroxide!lol
Much cheaper to go buy a bottle of peroxide than buy that overpriced Oxi-shit.
I put a touch of peroxide in with my reg. laundry detergent. Don't use it straight as a spot treater unless it's a white article tho....cut it with something else, like your Dawn for spot cleaning.
I soak my feet in peroxide now and again. My feet love me
I am so trying this. I already have spray bottles with vinegar/water and one with bleach/water.
Oh I love this idea. Dawn is my go to "gal" for dishes so why not use her for every day cleaning too!
I've been using the Dawn/White vinegar cleaner (via pinterest of course).. in our poor old worn out ugly tub/shower. It has done miracles on the shower doors!! Been wanting to try this one too.. and thanks to your recommendations.. I will! Similar fun things goin on around our place (dog yucks, etc ;)). Thanks!! -Tammy
I use this same mixture all of the time. OMG! It is a gift from above. We need lives.
What?! Really??
Must try!
I've gotta try this!! do you think it will take off the rubber cement stain on my living room carpet??
picked up some Dawn today and about to mix up the concoction!
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