Well, it's Groundhog day folks! The day when the world looks to a squirrel-like creature to predict the weather... As Robb and I watched the news this morning, the little monster predicted 6 more weeks of winter. Robb says that when the groundhog predicts that, they bite his head off. That didn't happen. I'm disappointed.

Meri and I watched a little of the movie Groundhog's Day with Bill Murray this morning before getting going for the day. I love that movie! She hadn't seen it before. I love how I can relive a bunch of movies of my past with fresh eyes when watching with her. The older two have seen most of my favorites already, so fresh meat!
We had some excitement last night. Tiffany went into labor and Ryan took her to the hospital. They came home at 2am.

Seems to me, I did that too on New Years Eve 12 years ago... My doctor wasn't willing to come in to work from her NYE party and after the monitors told the nurses it was all false, they sent me home. dang. I wanted a New Years baby! It was almost a full week before she was born.

My friends house down the street finally sold!!! Yay! But BOO! I was kind of hoping they'd have to move back from Oklahoma if it didn't sell... Oh well. It's a closure of sorts. I haven't seen the new people yet, just lights in the living room and the for sale sign is down now. Got to get a loaf of bread ready to pounce on them as soon as they show themselves...
Looking forward to getting a couple sewing projects completed tonight and out the door tomorrow in the mail. I've been lousy about saying, Oh yeah - that'll get done... It's been 1.5 months now... And always something else that needs to get done first.
Well... Back to work. Looks like it will be an interesting day! There's a baby that needs to be born! Not necessarily today, but within 3 weeks for sure...
All I can think is:
"...had shingles real bad senior year...."
Val, I love watching movies, from my youth, with my kids. Luckily, none of them are black and white. The movies! Not my kids, which kind of are.
Oh but if the baby came on the 14th wouldn't that be great! I know, I know you're ready now ;o)
I had just the opposite experience. The nurses told me on the phone that there was no way I was in labor (a couple of months too early), but I told them I was coming in anyway. Good thing I did, too. My daughter was born three hours later.
In other words, babies come when they are ready, not when we are. :)
I love Bill Murray movies ;)
Oh I love Groundhog Day I watch it whenever it's on!
What fun waiting for that new baby!
1st-Mark is crazy! His kids are black and white. Dear Lord.
And I can't wait til there is a new little McVal jr in the world!
Feb. 2 or 8th is a good day to be born(those were my grandmother's bdays)....or if the baby wants to make everyone wait some more, how about the 22nd? It was a good day for G. Washington and #2 son....lol
My water broke spontaneously with 2 of my 3, so there was no going back there. The girl, well, that was another story.
I'm sure Tiphanie is ready for this bundle to leave the nest already...oy!, the joys of being so pregnant and not being able to get comfortable!lol
I hope she goes soon and the journey is quick and relatively pain-free for all!!!
what an exciting time!! can't wait to see the upcoming baby photos. You will have lots of new sewing projects!
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