The picture above is actually my niece Brooke from 3 years ago. Thus the pink cap. Isn't she a cutie pie?
Taking my schedule into consideration for the next few days, I've got Leon penciled in to be born on Friday afternoon at 1:33pm. I hope he's on time.
I tried to enter a contest on Kerrygold's Facebook giveaway. They're giving away a chopping board and mug with the Kerrygold logo on them. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get that! But... and there always is one... you have to be resident of Ireland.
double darn.
Ok, I'm kind of kidding... But it is deliciousioso!
I just read on my daughter-in-law's FB wall that today might be the day!
I wait...
Ooooh!!!! BABY!!! So excited! I bet your going nuts. Good luck!!!
You tricked me with that photo!
I'll get you for that!
I was wondering if they had gotten the sex wrong when I saw the photo. So February 16 and counting.
We just found out Rebekah is having another girl! Ethan's not jumping up and down, but he's OK with it. ;)
I hope today is the day!
Deliciousioso? Seriously?
Shouldn't that be O'Delicious?
Well, DIRT. I was hoping he'd be here yesterday, as that was my Grandma's birthday. She would have celebrated 100 years. ☺ Happy Thursday! Anxiously awaiting the news.
That was a mean trick! I can't take much more of this waiting. Please fix this.
YOOOOOUUUU turd! lol
I was so excited when i saw the baby pic in my news feed... didn't pay attention to colors, lol. I'm excited for you! hope it happens soon!!!
Yea, the pink hat gave it away. We have a store about an hour away that sells that butter. I'll have to pick some up the next time we are there!
I got excited by the baby pic! Such a harsh letdown! lol I hope Leon arrives right on your schedule....good luck with that:)
Well I guess that you don't want to hear...When the apple's right it will fall!
Hope that it all goes well.
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