Our dryer broke on Friday.
* sigh *
On Saturday and Sunday afternoon, we spent significant time at the laundromat up town drying clothes and washing what we could there to get caught up before we ran out of quarters.
Since then, I refuse to dispense with any more quarters unless it's a baby emergency. So... I've developed a system, providing you don't need these particular articles of clothing for 2 days.
After the clothes are done in the washer, I put them in the dryer for one cycle. It turns but it's all on air fluff... No heat cycle whatsoever! This dryer stint is basically so the clothes won't drip whilst hanging over our computer desk...
When that's done, I hang them up on the various clothes lines I now have strung up around our house, including the one that reaches from the landing to a post upstairs, directly over the computer desk. I won't take a picture of that at all. It's not document worthy....
The living room ceiling fan is on constantly for whatever natural breeze I can muster from it. It takes approximately 10-15 hours per load. But if I can hang up four batches at once, it's a snap!
But you do need to duck slightly under some of the wet clothes angle hanging across the steps.
Then when they're dry, you pop them back in the dryer for about 10 minutes or so to soften them up just a little on air fluff... which of course is all it does...
As this dryer is 19+ years old by now and the last time we had the repair man out, he warned us that it was on it's last legs... (I think he was refusing to come out anymore for it...) we're ordering the new dryer tonight.

Kat was a thumb-sucker. First one ever that any of my family can think of. We were all so enthralled by how cute it was that we didn't even try to stop her. She slowly cut back over the years and gave it up completely about the time she started school. And just think of all the money we saved by not buying pacifiers...LOL!
Sorry about the dryer issues, but getting a new one will be marvelous. And he's just too sweet.
Aw, your little helper was tired.
I'm so afraid my dryer is going to do the same thing!
He is the cutest little helper ever!!!
You are going to have a second new addition to your house---the dryer!
Oh my goodness I would hate to be without a washer/dryer!!
He is so sweet!! I miss that age... sigh...
If my dryer broke I'd go right out and buy another...no matter what, lol.
I hate laundry mats :o(
However that is one cute picture!!!
I am always amazed at how many people use the laundromat! I rarely have to go but man...those places are packed! They should serve cocktails or something...
Sorry about your dryer. You have the cutest helper ever--congrats. Take care.
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