Meri is now a first degree Black Belt! She got her certificate last night at class, but the belt is still being processed and getting her name embroidered on it in gold.

We kind of already knew she had passed almost a month ago, because our instructor was teaching them the new form and
single Ssahng Jeol Bong (aka nunchaku, aka nunchucks) (aka numchucks for those like me who have been mispronouncing it all our lives.) And he wasn't as stern with them as he had been after the testing when they didn't pass...
I need to sew her black stripe onto her uniform as soon as I buy some.

Congrats to Meri!
Awesome!! I'm sure it gives you piece of mind knowing she can kick butt if someone ever tried to attack her. And thank you for clearing up the nunchuck numchuck thing. I've been saying wrong too! lol
Yay! Congratulations!
Good for her!!!
You'd better watch it now Val when you tell Meri to clean her room.....I envision a 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' type battle ensuing....hehehe
Congratulations to Meri! Watch out is right.
Super News! Congratulations to Meri!
Congratulations Meri! What a wonderful accomplishment!
Oh cool! She could take me down!
Congrats to Meri!!
OOOO black, I need her in my corner if I get into a fight ;o)
Congrats to Meri!
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