One of my favorites were the dog losing weight and then it turns into a cantina from Star Wars. Golden Retrievers and Star Wars... The winning combination in our house!
My other favorite commercial has got to be the Mathew Broderick's Day Off! I LOVED that movie!
Tiffany has been in "kind of" labor since last Wednesday when the hospital sent her home. She's been trying everything under the sun or on the internet to get this baby born. Trust me on this... So far so good tho. The doctor yesterday at her appointment said it very well may happen before their next appointment this next Monday!
Yep, READ MY LIPS. I'll be rocking my grandson by the weekend.
I got to sew last night! Got one more pad made for the crib bumper set that I'm making. So... 2 down, 4 to go. Those straps on them are a pain and I've broken 5 needles so far. That could be because I was low on machine needles and reusing some old ones I found in my sewing box... I may have been desperate and they may have been bent... Got new ones on Sunday.
Maybe the baby is waiting until it's done...
Did some more organizing on my fabric stash on Friday night! Pulled a 6 shelf bookshelf into my office and unpacked the boxes onto it. Got two boxes of stuff to go to the Salvation Army and 2 bags of garbage out of it.

Enjoy your random day!
Yayayayayy!! I can't wait to see pictures of your grandbaby!!
Baby soon!
I love that sketch of the prom dress.
I loved the M&Ms commercial...reminded me of SonyaAnn LOL. Yay! the baby is coming :)
We don't watch football and we mute commercials (because they're just trying, ya know, to sell us something...) In other words, I intentionally live in a cave.
Hope the itty-bitty one arrives soon!!
I bet you will be posting pictures before the end of the week! I'm so excited for all of you.
Yep grand babies have a way to go on their own schedule. Here's to him deciding to coming soon!
The wait must be soo hard on everyone.
Love that drawing - Imagine it in white or blue.
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