Is you IS or is you AIN'T my constituents!
But anyway... I'm on Spring break with the kids this week!!! So far I've taken a load of garbage to the waste reclamation place to heat (or electrify) the nearby town (because it's like 70 degrees this week!) , take a load of pop cans to the can redemption place and got almost $30! Took a load of stuff to the Salvation Army.
It's been a grand vacay so far!
The girls are having a blast...
The girls are having a blast...
Tomorrow I head to Nebraska to visit my parents and to fix their computer. Their printer just is NOT hooked up right yet and I don't know how to walk them through it, so this will be easier. Plus we'll get to enjoy lunch with them!
I've got so much to tell you! But it will have to wait. Stuff like how I did my Black Belt midterm this weekend and did some serious damage to my foot! Or how Meri attended her first Black Belt workout! Or how many times I've been burped up on! Etc Etc Etc... I'm enjoying my grand baby immensely and have purchased things for him at almost every store I go to. I have no idea what he'll do with this can of oil from BP, but it has a picture of a baby on it...
More probably next Monday. I'm heading inside now to watch Hey Arnold with the girls.

Have a great week!
And now I'm singing, "Is you is or is you ain't my baby?" in my head.
I hope your foot heals quickly.
Have a fun visit with your parents.
Oh, and that buying stuff for grandchild? It doesn't get better. Sorry.
We're so proud of the Y'all that it's even on our water towers:,r:5,s:0&tx=63&ty=77
Sorry for how long that is :o(
Spring break is still what seems like a long time away for me. Not until the first of April....
Spring break here, too. We're going to try to do some little fun thing each day. And by little, I mean like go to the library or go check out our new Joann Fabric. Nothing too exciting.
Have a great week, and here's a little advice: Do not seek the treasure!
Nebraska? You can't fool me. That's not even a real place!
I hope you continue to have an awesome break!!
I love saying y'all, but I can't pull it off here very well.
No spring break for me until the first week of April. I might not make it....
Enjoy that baby boy!
glad to hear you are having an awesome spring break!! You are sweet to help your folks out with their computer dilemma and I'm interested in hearing more about the black belt!
Have a great week! Can't wait to hear all your exciting news! Hope your foot is feeling better!
Sounds like you are having a blast!!
I totally want to do productive stuff now!
Just after I finish reading a few more blogs...
Have a wonderful weekend and I can't wait to hear about your adventures!
Sounds like a lovely way to spend a weekend - have fun my friend.
How's that sweet baby?
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