Friday, March 9, 2012

Dusty Summers and Dads

From down at the end of Talbot road, a voice is heard...

"Let's hear for the boy!"

A billowy cloud of dust arises way down the road as it wraps itself around the crevice of mulberry trees intertwined with poison ivy.

"Let's hear for my baAAAAAABE!"

At the peak leading the dust as if it were a small comet, is a small blue car. As it careens past the neighbors two doors down, you can see that it's a rusted out Pinto that hasn't been washed for months except by God. You can also hear the muffler rumbling as the bass of her song...

But only just barely, because of the song being belted out at the top of the young girls voice.

"Do DO DI DO do, dum dum dum dum di dum do!"

Her long dishwater blond, butt length hair flys out from her head at all angles as she fishtails to a slower pace and pulls into the long driveway of home.

"WHOA WHoa OOh oOH oOhhh!"

Her flabbergasted father stands holding his tool belt and watching her in supposed disgust. He says the same thing that he says at least once a week.

"If I see or hear you drive that ever again, I'm going to yank your keys!"
sorry - same old blurry picture from yesterday... But that's me! Blurry.

Summer! I can't wait. I'm gonna love it again!


Southern Gal said...

I read your post yesterday and laughed. I have a similar post of sayings my family uses all the time. You have to watch what you say around here or it will come back to haunt you. This sounds like what my husband says to me now when I come down our muddy driveway. Must be a girl thang. ;)

Macey said...

LOL! That's a great visual.
And I love the butt length hair. :)

Annie at Haphazard Homestead said...

I remember shortly after I got my license I was driving on a connector road (not paved) between two street. It was too muddy and I got stuck, and of course my dad gave me a hard time about it.

Not a month later, he got stuck in the mud, too. He drove off the edge of our own driveway into the ditch.

He didn't give me a hard time after that.

Sonya Ann said...

He was probably going to take the keys cuz the Pinto would catch on fire. Those things were the bomb-literally.


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