So as I was telling Robb what recipe I was going to share today and why, he asked me what was in it. Um... hello! 3 different kinds of fish and spinach!
He pressed further and asked again as if I'd spoken to him in Swahili. egg?
Then I realized that we put cream cheese in it. The recipe calls for Fromage blanc. Do you know what that is? Me neither... The recipe said we could substitute with cream cheese, so we jumped on that band wagon... I'm sure there's a soy equivalent, so there you go Sonya!
If you don't like fish, then don't make this. I've warned you. It does smell fishy when cooking... But it is delish if you actually enjoy fish!
This recipe comes also from the Irish Food & Cooking book that I gave you the other recipe on Tuesday from. Click here to find it on Amazon.
Three-fish Terrine
serves 8-10 or just 1 if you want to use it for lunches all week.
1 lb fresh Spinach
1 lb haddock, cod or other white fish, skinned and chopped. We used cod.
3 eggs
2 cups fresh breadcrumbs - I had no bread, so I used the food processor and crumbed up a bagel or two.
1 1/4 cups fromage blanc or cream cheese
a little freshly grated nutmeg or just the nutmeg in your cupboard
1 lb salmon fillet
1 lb turbo fillet or other flat fish. We used flounder. The Walmart freezer department only had certain kinds...
oil for greasing
salt and black pepper
1) Preheat oven to 325F. Remove the stalks from the spinach or don't. Cook the leaves briskly in a pan wihtout any added water, shaking the pan occasionally unti the spinach is just tender. Drain and squeeze out the excess water. I used a salad spinner.

3) skin and bone the salmon fillet and cut into long thing strips. Repeat with the Turbot. Since I bought already filleted fish, I just cut it into strips.

7) To serve, ease a sharp knife down the sides to loosen the terrine and turn the terrine on to a flat serving dish. Using a sharp sknife, cut the terrine into slices and serve.

You have a great day!
I Love you and you were just being a little mean! I can't eat cream cheese tho. Laughing.
Fromage blanc is white cheese. It's French. I looked smart there for a millisecond,didn't I?
I'd eat that...and like it, too. :)
Yes I hat fish that much.
Sonya Ann beat me to the answer, it's a French cheese used in an Irish recipe, I see the humor in that!
Hum, that was suppose to be hate. I.HATE.FISH!!!!!!
Mamma hats fish? LOL!
Can I come sit with you and eat ice cream?
Hmmmm not sure about the fish either as I'm not a fan...but my husband however may enjoy it. :-)
Hope you feel better soon!
I would like to try that....hmmm...
What is is with all these peeps you don't like/eat fish?
Seriously, most people in this country have never had fish properly prepared....and I'm not talking about frozen fish either.
I'd make this(and eat it too!lol)except I need to be feeding a gang of people and I presently can't find a bunch of people to feed at one time, especially since the BIL and nephew won't eat fish...lol
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