But HEY! I won the Versatile Blogger award yesterday from Annie Jones over at Haphazard Homestead!!! I'm sorry but I'm not feeling like tagging 15 people and ticking off 176 followers... It's just too much work. I love all of you guys to pieces!!!

Anywho, I will put down 7 little known items about me. If you've followed me a while, then you probably already know some of them. I'll try and surprise you tho.
1) I met Annie IRL!!! About 2 years ago, on our way to Spring break in Branson, Missouri, we stopped and met her at a Perkins and enjoyed breakfast with her and her little Kat! Unfortunately the picture we took of them accidentally got erased from my camera....
2) When I was a kid, I used to play in the dirt. a.lot... There was a small hill directly behind our house in the country, leading down to a service type road. My sisters and I would dig in the dirt and build little villages up and down that slope. My fingernails always looked terrible.
3) Annie and I are on the totally opposite spectrum politically. I am firmly on the conservative side of the fence... Don't let that scare you! Let's just say if we lived in the same state, we could cancel out each others vote!
4) As a teenager, I ate a piece of dog food on a dare once and it wasn't that bad... My youngest did when she was a toddler and we had to rush her to the hospital because she wouldn't stop screaming. To this day I have no idea how it happened, but when we got home from the hospital she was still really fussy and then she barfed on my coat and there in the middle of it was a triangular bit of plastic... I can only assume it was in with the dog food...
5) Our water softener has been on the fritz now for about 6 months. Just haven't had the gumption to get it fixed yet and there are still 4 bags of salt in the trunk of my car.
6) I made a denim Boppy pillow a week or so ago for my daughter-in-law and grandson. Oh my goodness, they love it to pieces! I took the stuffing out of a body pillow I'd made her while she was still pregnant. She hasn't used it since and there is a zipper in the body pillow so I can re-stuff it someday if she needs it again.

7) I get to see one of my nieces try for her Black belt tomorrow in Kansas City! Since I'm of a different Taekwondo association than them, I feel obligated to wear my Black Belt and intimidate them all. (not really... But I'm trying to convince Meri of doing that with hers...)
Ok - there are my 7 things. If you want to do that too, go for it! I'm not going to stop you or force you either.
Have a great Friday!
A baby picture!
Mercy if gas is as expensive there as it is here you should really get that salt out of your car!
Fun!!! Congrats on the well deserved Versatile Award, too bad your not feelin' well enough to really enjoy the fame and fortune. Heeehehehe!
Sorry, I'm outta control!
I loved readin' your list. My son would sleep walk and we'd hear him the dog food bag stirrin'. The boy loved to eat dog food while sleep walkin'...what can I say?
God bless ya girl and have yourself a blissful weekend!!
Hugs...feel better sweetie!!! :o)
You are a wonderful mom and grandmother! And are loved the blog world over.
I have eaten a dog biscuit and both dry and wet cat food. Well, I guess "tasted" is a better word than "eaten". It's not like I had a bowlful or anything. Kat just didn't think I would do it, so I had to prove her wrong. :)
I used to give my dog a piece of food, myself a piece of food. I loved it. And no, not yesterday, when I was like 3 or 4. :)
I remember my weird dreams too. Hubby thinks it's weird that I remember them, I think it's weird that he doesn't.
I totally got the Christmas Story reference. ☺ Congratulations!
Loved this post! Oh my golly is that little guy adorable! How do you keep your hands off of him and accomplish any work? I'd be all over him all day. ☺
PS...Would you email me your address? (Unless you think I'm some weird blogger stalker. ;p ) I have some things to send you. Happy Monday! ☺
We used to play in the dirt a lot. It was fun!
When my niece was a toddler she ate dog food all the time. My sister tasted a piece to see why Jessica kept eating it. She said it tasted like crunchy. LOL!
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