On Friday, immediately upon finishing work for the day, we headed for Kansas City. I started knitting on a new scarf for Maddy's TAG project on the drive, got it done before we left to head back home. That makes 4 now. Well, 3.92. I still have to figure out how to complete the one that's sitting on the knitting machine. Three have been hand knitted.
We caught this cold last week and it has been a good one. If by good, I mean, "nasty", "kleenex driven", "horribly bad", "green things flying over Germany", "nose raked over the coals", then yes... This has been a doozy good cold!
On top of this cold, we've caught something else. First my grandson was crabby all last week, then his daddy caught it, then everyone else caught it and now me. You'd think I was good at baseball or something. nope. Hopefully it will clear up soon. It's not good when you catch something nasty from a baby and I don't mean spit up on my shirt... Because I'm REALLY good at catching that!
Anyway... back to Kansas City. My niece was testing for her first degree Black Belt on Saturday afternoon. It was MUCH more intense than one of my testings in my Taekwondo association. At this one, everyone testing for their black belt had to pass an endurance test in front of the audience. It did not matter if you had a stroke while doing it... Because I know for a fact that I would have died.
Actually I felt like dying just watching, but it may have been all the cold meds and kleenex I was on.
My niece did awesome and got her black belt at the same testing.

Afterwards we headed back to my SIL's house and got ready for the celebratory party for dinner. Then I took a nap before it started.
Robb wasn't feeling good that night either, but we had to get home. Neither his mom or Meri were going to drive us home, so he had to. I was miserable and I think he was worse. But he is a brave trooper and just drove.
It reminded me of his and my trip to Gatlinburg, Tennesee with my sister and her family. Robb caught the flu from their adorable little boy who just wanted a sip of Robb's Coke.... And I got to drive us both the entire 12 hours home with him sicker than a dog in the passenger seat and a dining room table shoved up against our backs in the car.
This trip home was a close 2nd. I tried to sleep, but it didn't happen. I believe I left the back seat of his car still full of tissues...
I had to miss teaching Sunday School yesterday and sent Maddy to be my sub for the preschool class. She did a good job, but will probably now get her tubes tied. She had lots of funny stories to share with me when she got home.
Anyway... I'm back to work today and with any luck and enough Ibuprofen, I'll make it through the day.
May the wind be always at your back and a box of kleenex always within your reach...
Sounds like you had a rough road trip. Hope you feel better soon!
Well did you educate her on Crystal Gale??
I have a cold. Boo.
Congratulations to your niece.
You got some tough broads in your Family!
Congrats to your niece! I hope you get rid of that cold soon!
OH boy...and I thought my cold was a bad one...yours sounds like the Cold of ALL Colds!! UGH! Hope you feel better soon!!!
Congrats to your niece!!!
Oh, man! I had that cold and I feel for you. I hope you are back to 100% soon.
Funny how a cold can make you feel the worst you have ever felt in your life! Here's hoping that it doesn't make another round around the house!
Try taking an allergy pill. We did a few rounds of what I thought was a nasty cold. I went to the pharmacist and she said to try taking allergy pills and aspirin. It helped so much more than the cold pills.
"I had to miss teaching Sunday School yesterday and sent Maddy to be my sub for the preschool class. She did a good job, but will probably now get her tubes tied."-Haha!
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