My new question...
Which of you sent him a message? Or did someone in his family hijack his FB account temporarily?
Oh well. And if you must know... I chose option #1 yesterday. Left it alone. I REEEEAAALLY wanted to post the video but knew it would only keep things going and I would regret it. My husband is pretty wise...
Anyway... Just so you know... Most of the Easter candy is gone except for some Peeps and a few solid chocolate bunnies. darn.
It's kind of weird. My yard is the only one in the neighborhood that looks like it's been shot with Round up and a little kid with Dandelion fluffs to blow on.

While everyone else's lilac bushes are in full bloom right now, as usual, our special variety is behind by about a month. The little buds are starting but it will be a while before I'm bathed in lilac scent when I step onto the porch. I can't wait!
Leon is actually in a baby schedule of sorts! The evening hours are his screaming time. darn. I remember those days. That was Meri's screaming time too. We had evening church at the time, so that was tricky.
I'm currently making Florescent light tea. That's when you're too lazy to find the actual sun tea jar, or put anything out on the deck. So you just put some lukewarm water in a pitcher with a few tea bags and wait for it to get darker just because I said so. I've got another pitcher of ice to dump in along with some sweetener when the time is right. I may not get to drink any of it until probably 10am... I'm out of DDP.
As it typically happens, my back and neck went *pop* last night and this morning I awoke with a splitting headache. That's not good. Especially on a Thursday when all the chiropractors all go golfing together and all their offices are closed. The meds should kick in soon I hope.
Tonight, if my headache has faded a little, I will be working on the prom dress. As reminded, prom is in 2.25 weeks. Will be doing the zipper and reworking the side seam tonight and possibly getting started on the hem because the girls will be headed out of town this weekend. This might be my only shot during the whole weekend at getting the length right.
Well... This has been a random post for the week. Come back tomorrow and maybe I'll finally post that quiche recipe I promised!
I need to go back and read yesterday's post...
Hope the headache goes away soon. I'm just the's when my neck and back won't pop that the headache sets in.
Funny about your chiro, mine closes early Thursday haha. He actually goes to HIS chiro and visits some others haha
That's the thing about Facebook and personal accounts, it can be good or bad at times. Especially when people start tagging you in old been there! Glad it all got straightened out. Hope your headache is all gone and you are feeling better.
That's the thing about Facebook and personal accounts, it can be good or bad at times. Especially when people start tagging you in old been there! Glad it all got straightened out. Hope your headache is all gone and you are feeling better.
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