Monday, June 25, 2012

Here's my badge.

Remember last weekend?  Yeah, me neither.  It has become a blur and a distant memory because of the latest events of our lives.

Late last week, Leon was crabby.  Not just the usual, for which we buy him onesies with crabs on them, but seriously "I'm in pain, why aren't you helping me?" kind of crabby.  Temps spiked off and on.  His parents took him to the emergency room at 1:30am on Saturday morning because of a high temp over 102 and the incessant screaming.  Nothing could calm that little tyke down!

So needless to say, my sleep after that was fitful.  I had a brief dream that the ER sent them home and all was good, but then I got texts and a call from Tiffany.  They were about to do a chest xray and she was scared.  I went to the hospital around 4:30 and relieved Ryan who needed to go home and get cleaned up for work.  Then stayed with Tiffany until 6:30 or so when the nurses and doctors were done checking him over and poking him like a the little pink pincushion that he had become.  They finally gave him a shot in the leg and then we took him home with a prescription for more antibiotics.  They thought that maybe it was either pneumonia or bronchiolitus. 

The rest of the day Saturday, the rest of the family and myself took turns taking care of Leon.  He couldn't sleep outside of anyones arms or a car seat and Tiffany needed to get some well deserved sleep.  Robb actually drove around the countryside with Leon for 2 hours.  Leon woke up at the farthest point from home and Robb had to drive with him screaming for the last bit.

Saturday night was another no-sleeper for the poor parents.  I guess he slept but not for very long at a shot. Ryan left for work early and we went to church not even seeing Tiffany and Leon before we left.  Robb went home right after church while Meri and I went to a baptism BBQ for lunch.  It was there that we got a text from Robb that they were taking Leon back to the ER.  Oh boy...  Ryan left work and met them there.
 We met up with them and enjoyed vending machine food in the waiting room while Tiff and I took turns going into the room to be with Ryan and Leon.  The doctors decided to admit him.  We  all got to go up and be in the room together for a bit and we prayed together for him.  Then after Robb and Meri left, I stayed with Tiff and Leon while Ryan went home to grab some things they'd need.

He'll be in the hospital until probably tomorrow.  Oh and they think what he has is the same thing that Ryan had last week!  So it's viral after all... double dang!

Everyone in the house are drinking a ton of water now and trying to get extra sleep, because that will most likely ward off whatever virus this is.

I took the kids some breakfast sandwiches this morning early before work.  Got to hum softly to Leon as they took his temp and gave him some meds.  He screamed.  Also got to feed and hold him for a while.

His eyes are beautiful.

Burped him.  A little burp up got on my shoulder.  No big!  It's a grandma's badge of honor, right?  I wiped it off quickly until it was just a wet spot on my shirt.

As I left, a random nurse walked up behind me and said, "I see a little one burped up on you!"

"Yeah..." with a smile.  "I don't mind!"

But then she's said, "It's in your hair and down your back!"



mamahasspoken said...

And that's when you proceeded to go home and take a quick shower because who likes to smell like baby puke all day ;o)
Hope the little one feels better soon!

Southern Gal said...

Poor baby. I hope he gets to come home soon. At least you were headed home when you discovered the badge of honor was all down your back!

slugmama said...

Poor little guy.
It's no fun when the real young ones are sick, is it?
Hope he pulls through this quickly and no one else gets it.

And don't worry about the badge and having all your shirts "badgified".
In a year or so, when you'll be safe from spit-up, you have an excuse to make all new blouses/tops!lol

Sonya Ann said...

That is so scary. I'll keep praying. And I hope that none of you catch the virus. You all worry me!

Mark said...

Give that sweet baby a kiss from me.

Michelle said...

These things are so scary! Tough on the baby and the parents! I hope he heals well!


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