Friday, June 22, 2012

I've got a little list.

dog food
shorts for son
dish washer tabs
fresh veggies
fresh fruits
string cheese
flour tortillas
taco sauce
TP - because my mom always thought it seemed more discreet on the list than writing out what it actually is.
paint brushes
kool aid packets - especially wild cherry flavored.
granola bars
definitely NOT mustard. - I found 3 containers in the fridge...
sugar free french vanilla creamer

Do you know what we're having for supper from this list?  Yeah - me neither...  Chances are it will be fast food on the way to get Maddy from Girls State. 

Yeah - that should do it tho...  I'm an impulse buyer, so I'm sure I'll be throwing in a few more things in that I hadn't thought of at this time.  This is not a big grocery list day....  For those days, I just write down the things I want to make SURE I don't forget, then toss the usuals into the cart along with the list items.

Some things I'll draw a line from and say Sam's Club or other grocery store because do I REALLY need 10 lbs of creamer?  Well, yeah I probably will eventually...  But where would I store it?

Someday I really plan to do menu planning.  But for now, I just try to keep up with the demands of the household and make sure all bases are covered.

For all you menu planners and coupon clippers out there... I salute you!  I'm not organized enough to join your ranks, but someday!...

I'll put it on my list of things to do.


mamahasspoken said...

I'm not a meal planner because I'm the type person who has to be 'in the mood' for what I fix.
However, I LOVE couponing! For me, it's the excitement of the hunt for bargains and I do have a stash. BUT I am not like the ladies on that tv show because really, who needs 50 bottles of mustard? :o/

Karen Whittal said...

I am a list person........ the only way not to forget something. I have watched extreme couponing on TV but we do not get coupons over here looks like a fun way to save money though

Babes Mami said...

We have a rigid amount of dollars for food so I have to plan it out in detail for two weeks! I miss the days of Chris and I just grabbing things and going on about our day.

Jill said...

I have tons of lists, but i must admit using my Iphone apps for my grocery lists is awesome! Always with me and easy to delete as I pick up the item. Also love having Siri to remind me of things I need to do.
Have a great week!



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