Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Random moments of my life...

As my mind wanders...

Meri made herself a top yesterday and it looks pretty cool!  I have no pictures.  It's very drape-y and you really need a tank top underneath.  It's very pretty!  No hem on it tho. That's my girl!

She's going to do some more sewing after she finishes some of her daily chore stuff today.

Maddy got an idea from Pinterest about an activity idea jar.  She keeps it in her car and it has a ton of activity ideas written on colorful bits of paper folded up.  Every Monday she has her babysitting kids pick two items from it for activities to do during the week.  Guess what they pulled out Monday, that they're doing today?  They're having a PROM!  And they invited a couple girls over that one of Mads friend babysits.  Maddy just left all dolled up with makeup and curly hair carrying her Sweetheart ball dress in her bag. The girls are pretty pumped about it too.  I think she took the camera, so maybe pics tomorrow.

Below is Maddy and one of her besties waiting for their dates for Sweetheart.

Our dishwasher is not working... again...  The *start* button is lying....  Got a guy coming by on Friday to fix it.  Probably a computer chip or something...  I'm not that mechanical and this thing is just too high tech for me.  That service agreement with Sears for this machine was one of the best things we ever did!  I won't say BEST thing because I'm sure there is at least one other thing that is the best.  Just can't think of it at the moment.

The puppy cage is still up.  Ellie looks forlornly at it every time they go through the garage to go outside.  Sometimes she jumps inside it and sniffs around.  Maybe if we didn't have so many blooming dishes to wash all the dang time, I'd put it away!  Oh well.  There is always the weekend...

Held Leon a lot last night and we did a workout together.  I lay on my back on the bed and held him way above me, holding him up past my head and back.  It gave my stomach muscles a really good workout.  Then he barfed on my face & neck.  I had been momentarily distracted by Tiffany coming into the room and missed the signs.  I'm so glad I can be comic relief for some...

Guess what I get to do over lunch today?! 

Probably do more dishes...


Macey said...

I'll say it again: I want her to babysit me!

mamahasspoken said...

Yea, and I bet no matter how many times you washed your face and hair, you still smelled it ;o)

Sonya Ann said...

Sour milk-ewwwww. But he is so darn cute so it is ok. I'll stick with weights. Who am I kidding I'm more likely to lift a cookie.

momto8 said...

our start button broke twice...he said try and use different buttons so they don't get stuck? I actually paid for that advice.


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