Monday, May 13, 2013

A Bucket Full Of Puppies

I've got a bucket full of puppies and I'm headed to the arcade!

Those are the right lyrics for that song right?

Maddy's party was a success!  I mean, how could it not be with a bucket full of puppies and a bouncy house?  Maddy stayed by the front door and greeted everyone, sending them around to the back deck where my sister and I were serving pancakes with tons of fruit toppings, whipped topping and then cake and lemonade on the side.  You know... If their sweet tooth doesn't get enough!


Robb played the pipes at the request of some friends.


Meri and a neighbor friend manned the puppies and the bouncy house.  

It was very breezy, so we didn't get to hang the pictures outside on the deck like we'd been hoping.  We strung them through the house instead.  That worked great!

Had a video of Maddy's life, randomly flashing pics from babyhood to adult in the living room with Disney songs in the background.  Had a video of all her band, piano and vocal performances going on in the kitchen/dining room.

Everywhere you got a blast of what being Maddy is all about.  You even saw her Preschool diploma pinned to the wall!

And suddenly it was over!  A few stragglers at the end...  Not as many grad pics got handed out as I'd have liked.  And I wish I could have visited a bit more with some folks, but all in all, it was a lot of fun!  

After it was all over, tables were taken down and returned, kitchen cleaned up, Leon and I blew back up the bouncy house before the rental people came to get it.

We were in it for all of 30 seconds before it blew over.  Video below..

I didn't plan it!!!  Seriously!!  But I was videotaping Leon bouncing around when a huge gust of wind came up, tore the anchor out of the ground and we tipped over into the front fence.  Nailed that fence good and broke a post off.  The camera must have shut off when it dropped.

Leon ended up suspended in midair in the netting, SAFE but screaming his head off!  I may have hit the mulch, but don't remember.  I was really achy and sore the next day, but that could also have been because I was on my feet all the dang day.  Anyway, we unplugged it and disappointed some neighbor kids who came over to bounce one last time.  Um no...  I don't think my home owners insurance would cover that!  I gave them a plate of leftover party cake instead and sent them home.

The party is over and all that is left is way too many paper products and some flattened grass.  Oh and lots of cake...

How was YOUR weekend?


Carma Sez said...

wow - that was a lot of bouncy house drama - I bet Maddie appreciated all the work you put into the photo montage/videos - sweet :)

Carma Sez said...

ooops - "Maddy"

mamahasspoken said...

There's never enough paper ware, you are just prepared for the next function. And when the host asks what you would like to bring, you'll know what to say, "Paper ware!"

Southern Gal said...

It sounds fabulous. You must be on top of your picture organization. I would have a hard time getting those all together like that. I hope the puppies are doing well. That overturning bouncy house is wild!

College graduation is over. A little bump occurred, but it's going to be OK. I'm exhausted, but still here. ;)

slugmama said...

What? I missed a party!?
My invite must have gotten lost in the mail.....dang that USPS!!

Sonya Ann said...

well you now have a new standard for your parties. If the house doesn't blow over, it wasn't a good party. LOL


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