Who doesn't love a kid wearing ice cream on his face?...
Well, besides the person who has to clean him up.
VBS is over. Whew! What a rush! The adults were included and had their own bible study while the kids had their lessons, music time and craft time. AND we didn't let the adults play with the side walk chalk! much...

This WAS supposed to be the All The Single Ladies table, but then Robb and I and one other married woman sat down here. So it just turned into the Fun table. Oh forgot that Leon was there the whole time and he's not a lady either... But if you're under two, it doesn't matter where you sit.
I didn't get a group shot, which was a shame! But took lots of scattered shots throughout the two days.
Got lots planned for the weekend, because that's, of course, what I live for! Movie tonight on a neighbor's yard, Iowa State Fair tomorrow for the ones that want to go and get as much food on a stick as possible!!!
And I should probably schedule in a sugar coma nap for one of the afternoons.
School starts next week for me, when does your daughter start? Just curious.....
Love the ice cream shot. I remember one time when flyboy was about 5 he ate an entire ice cream Sunday then said I think that I'm drunk:)
Food on a Stick = Heaven
You have enough energy for 3 people or maybe its just more caffeine than the rest of us.
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