You can't go to the Iowa State Fair without eating. You just can't!

There is food everywhere. Even raw. But you're not supposed to climb on it.
Apparently if you can stick food on a stick, it makes it more appealing. They even had Lemonade on a stick... How they managed THAT I have NO idea! But I'm willing to try it.
Checked out the sights. Isn't he cool in shades?
Meri had come to the fair with some friends a lot earlier in the day than we did and was exhausted by the time we met up with her. So we didn't get around to too much more. We DID go into the Fabric & Threads building to see the projects sewn by my ASG friends. And then the 4H building and saw some cool projects kids had done
That's right! A dress made entirely out of newspaper! and there was another duct tape dress...
I thought these were really cute! Looks like they just bleached a pair of denim shorts, then painted on them. I might have to try that!
And if there's anything you know about me... You know that I never pass up a Kettle Korn booth! Well, that and a kids lemonade stand. Oh! and a garage sale...
Don't follow my car closely...
Yeah, he claimed it. Forgot the kettle korn was in the car until late yesterday when we were at a friends and then we all inhaled it.
Leon likes to help push the stroller. I think this was just a split second before he piled drove himself into the dirt.
And nothing like a creepy chick on stilts to round out your fair experience!
I mentioned this on FB, but apparently I wasn't clear enough... Maddy and I AND LEON dropped Mads car off at the shop on the way to the fair on Saturday. Her HS band director had sent her some cds of all the Jazz band performances for the last several years and we enjoyed them while we drove. Leon REALLY likes Jazz! He was smacking his legs to the beat. I think we have a musician!
Anyway, we were almost to the fairgrounds when I remembered that we might be low on diapers in the diaper bag. Maddy checked and sure enough, there was only 1 diaper there and it may have been a swim diaper... We swung into a store and I picked some up, stocking the bag well. You never know when you need 6.
Maddy made a comment that maybe they'll be selling diapers on a stick at the fairgrounds!
Again, you never know!
I think you just need to make the suggestion to the right person and they run with it!
Are YOU that right person??
Just don't charge $6 for it. And make sure they're new diapers.
Isn't FOOD the reason why there are fairs???lol
And diapers on a stick will never catch on.......unless you DEEP FRY them! 8-))
Food on a stick is essential at a fair!
The Iowa fair made all the National news this week-end. Who knew that so many politicians love the fair :0)
Your fair makes me long for ours. Not long now. And Leon has to like jazz, right?
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