On Tuesday this past week, we did a day trip to Nebraska to see my parents!
When we got there, we found out that the whole town is going to digital cable in a matter of weeks and my folks and my mom's cousin that lives around the corner had NO clue how to install the new digital boxes. But my dad had promised the cousins that his son-in-law was coming and would do it for them! :) So Dad and Robb walked over and installed it for them, then came back and did Dad's.
Mom, Meri, Leon and I walked over after a bit to visit with the cousins too.
On the way over, Leon got the thrill of his young life by seeing a TRACTOR up close and personal! Too bad it was the "honey wagon" as I was told that's the slang name for them. Those are the wagons that attract flies... and not because of honey, if you get my drift. or wift... These were stinkers.
He still loved to see it though.
Then Great Grandma poured out a puzzle for Leon to play with. That didn't last long unfortunately as he's not that into puzzles that don't make the sound of the animal as you put it into place.
We went out to lunch with them at the pizza buffet.
Then spent the afternoon playing a bit of pick up sticks in the back yard!
Leon was a GREAT help with that! Until he decided that pulling sticks off the final pile and breaking them up into little bits was even more fun. Because then you can announce "BROKEN!!"

He was insistent on climbing the tree but didn't want anyone's help. I guess with this tree, it wasn't a problem anyway!
More fun with Great Grandpa! and tools!
Another LONG day!!! But you know what?? I had just bought a new Dean Koontz book at BAM a couple weeks before and actually had a chance to read it on the trip! Robb drove. I got within a few chapters of the end and then the daylight was gone, so I couldn't read in the car anymore.
Haven't had a chance to finish it yet...
Your family is AWESOME! So loving! Thank you for sharing all the wholesome goodness that is your life. On my blog, you never get wholesome. I wonder why?
What a fun trip! It's always wonderful to have little ones interact with multi-generations.!! Love it!
You are giving Leon such great experiences in life.
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