Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekend - Stranded in the rearview mirror

I mowed over lunch on Friday...  I know!  I know...  I said I probably wouldn't, but there was so much to do outside and I needed to start somewhere.  

Friday night, I cut out Meri's dress from the sample fabric.   Had to fussy cut to make ALL the pattern pieces fit right.  And by fussy cut, I mean that part of the dress will hang slightly stupid.  Maybe it will be considered a "detail".  I'll tell people that.  "Did you notice that only ONE piece of the skirt is cut on the bias?!  It's all the rage these days...   

 Like my improvised pattern weight?  It's half full of M&Ms...

On Saturday, Robb was out of town for a good chunk of it, so Leon & I started off the day by making a TON of deviled eggs (aka egg boats) from the remaining Easter eggs.  Actually, I think there are more in the garage fridge, but they might get pitched...  I started peeling an egg and then would let Leon pick a few pieces of shell off before he started on the next one that I'd start after I finished up his last egg.  

He hates eating them.  So they're mostly mine.

Meri and I took Leon a little shopping, then I spent the rest of the day outside again.  Snacking on deviled eggs whenever I thought of them.  By 6pm, I was exhausted, sore and satisfied with a good part of the yard.  and full.

 I was going to mow the back yard that night with the rider mower, but Robb wanted me inside with him and Leon so I decided to put it off until another day.  Darn... It's going to rain for the next several days...  It'll be hay mow by the time I get to it now...  Oh well...  A lot of raking never hurt anyone...

On Sunday we took two cars to church.  Robb had to leave earlier than me plus he had a meeting afterwards.  Leon, Meri and I dropped off some Easter candy that I forgot to give my nieces at Easter before I ate them.  Aren't they cute??  A friend of mine made them.  Click on the photo to take you to the blog where they tell you how to make them.

Caught up with the girls just outside their apartment building and then got on the interstate, headed home.  About that time I noticed that the miles to empty said ZERO...  

Oh dear...

We prayed.  hard.  Because if I took the next exit and headed back to town to the nearest gas station, it would be about as many miles as it would be to the station in my town.  PLUS my husbands phone, we'd discovered, had run out of charge and was going straight to his voice mail...  So...  Run out of gas and hope he spots us on his way home?  Then go home and get the gas can and drive 20+ miles out of his way to get back around to us?  Or take the next exit.?  ...   Decisions that have to be made in the blink of an eye usually turn out bad.  

In this case, not so bad.  I drove about 10-15 miles under the speed limit and we were FINALLY able to take our exit.  God answered our prayers because just after taking our exit, we stalled at the stop sign.  I let it coast down the road a little bit to rest on the shoulder.  WHEW!  We'd made it!!!  However after his meeting, Robb wouldn't be taking our exit and wouldn't see us..

I called our pastor's cell phone, hoping the meeting was either still going on or at least ended recently but not so much that I couldn't catch Robb.  I think Robb had been telling him about our car troubles, because Pastor didn't even say "Hello", just said, "Here he is!" and gave his phone to Robb.  The meeting had JUST gotten over so Robb borrowed his lawn mower gas can and headed off to rescue me!  

In the meanwhile, we let Leon out of his seat and he had a blast crawling around the car.  He kicked the dog food bag and begged for fruit snacks.  Yeah... he wasn't going to eat much lunch when we got home...  I had turned the flashers on, but it had been YEARS since I'd been stranded on the side of the road.  No one and I mean NO ONE stopped to ask if we need help!  We even saw people we knew!!

Is that just not DONE anymore??  Maybe if I'd been sitting on the hood, or had the hood up...  hmm.. Don't know.  Oh well, it's not like we needed any help... but it would have been nice for someone to show a little concern.

Robb showed up, put some gas in and then took off for his next meeting.  Busy busy!!  We headed home and after we got Leon down for a nap, I finally got a chance to SEW!!!!!

I ironed and stitched pleats all afternoon.  Pinned them to the mannequin because Meri was too busy with a homework assignment for me to bother with having her try it on.  I'll do that tonight I guess.  I also need 2 slim shoulder pads.  Maybe I won't put them in this version of the dress.

I really hope this dress turns out!  If it does, she'll wear it to a wedding in June.

Well, off to work.  
Have a great week and I hope you have a chance to sew or at least eat some deviled eggs!


Sonya Ann said...

I think it is sweet that your hubs rescued you.
You get tons done!

Southern Gal said...

I think people must be busy and don't take time to think about things when they see them. I mean if I saw a friend sitting on the side of the road, I'd at least call them to find out if everything was OK.

Michelle said...

Sad how no one stops anymore! Glad, however, that Robb was able to come to the rescue!

Anonymous said...

Now a days peoples don't care for others. They are busy in their work! Nice thing to make a dress for him!

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