Monday, July 7, 2014

What was I thinking?

You do NOT want to read "I'll Love You Forever" to your grandchildren first thing in the morning.  I am not a fan of being a blubbering crier this early in the day....  And the old mother crawling to her adult son's bedside is kind of creepy...  If my mom did that, we'd have her committed and change the locks on the doors.  Happy Birthday to HER yesterday btw!!!  80 years old is quite an accomplishment these days!

Anyway, it's been a long weekend!  And suddenly it's over.  darn.

Thursday night we watched fireworks on the deck.  Just the girls, a friend of Meri's, Leon and me.  So he was up until 10:30...  

He slept late on the 4th and around lunch, and after we dropped Ryan off at work, the girls and I drove Leon down to spend the 4th with his mom.  Then the three of us went a little thrifting before heading home.  Meri found a pair of roller blades that fit her perfectly.  So the girls went roller blading while I worked on supper and I then went to pick them up after one of them fell down several blocks from home.

That night I found a movie the girls hadn't seen before, but remembered that I had loved it when I was younger.  I had forgotten why.  Terms of Endearment with Shirley MacLaine and Debra Winger.  For the first half, the girls were questioning my parenting by encouraging them to watch a show with illicit affairs, bad language and angry irreverent kids and were wondering what the plot was.  They laughed for ten minutes straight with Jack Nicholson's antics and couldn't understand why tears started streaming down my face about half way in as it slowly came back to me why the movie held a certain place in my heart.  About 30 minutes from the end, they sat in total silence.  I tried to keep back my sobs.  At first they held out hope and Meri gripped my hand and arm.  Then they cried for the rest of the film.  When it was finally over, I realized I'd never gotten so many hugs and "I love yous" in a single evening before...  

The next morning started early as I saw Maddy off on her weekend adventure to Wisconsin.  A solo trip to see a college friend and attend a music festival in Milwaukee where she got to sit 4 rows from Ingrid Michaelsen who, according to Maddy, talked straight to her at one point of the concert.  

I sewed that morning and put a disappointing hem into the purple shirt.  sigh.  Maybe it will look better after it's washed and dried...  The stabilizer I used might not be the right type.  Don't you HATE that??!

Anyway, got a call to pick up Leon at lunch, so I let Meri drive me all the way down to pick him up.  Her first time driving in Des Moines and I was impressed!  She wasn't with my directions, however.  I need to be more clear and say "CORRECT!" rather than "RIGHT!"

Earlier in the day I found out that Meri had NEVER seen Star Wars!!  REALLY?!!  Well, we had to remedy that!  I had gone so overboard with that movie when I was ten, that I had attempted to write the book because I was sure it hadn't been done yet and someone had to document this classic.  I was almost done when my dad and I found the actual book at K-Mart.  It is one of my most cherished possessions of my youth.  So when we got home Saturday, we watched it on VHS.  The versions I have of the original trilogy are before the newer adjustments that Spielberg or Lucas put in the film to make more money later.  I'm not exactly sure where the tape of The Empire Strikes Back is, but I'll have to find it before next weekend when I'll make her watch that one too.

After that we were exhausted.  Leon went with Meri and napped and I managed to sneak in an hour long one myself.  I made stir fry for supper that night and we found that Leon loves sweet & sour sauce.  He dipped his chicken into in and gobbled up any rice that I had mixed with it.  I need to pick up some more because I may have stumbled onto a way for him to eat more veggies!!!  He'll be plump, but healthy!  That's possible... right??

On Sunday, Robb came home!!!  He was out of town for a few days.  We got caught up whilst watching Leon shoot nerf balls at the ceiling fan and hitting himself with them laughing.  I got some mowing done while Leon napped and then some housework.  

Oh and guess what?!!!  Sluggy is going to come see me in a couple weeks!!!  I've got the entire time planned and she is going to be totally wiped out!  I kid... but it will involve deep fried Oreos, Twinkies and kilts...  

Not deep fried kilts, but kilts in general.

Gotta run.  I hope you had a great weekend!

1 comment:

slugmama said...

No, that weekend will consist of migraine headaches and diabetic comas if I am there. lolz

Deep fried should never be used in the same sentence with either Oreos or Snickers bars?...THAT'S another story. 8-))


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