Thursday, August 14, 2014

Daisy head Meri

Meri's 1st day of high school is today!  

Got my 1st day photos, so I'm happy.

Check out Maddy's shirt.  It's a direct quote from Abraham Lincoln.  "Someday I will be president."

Kind of like the other quote of his that I've seen, "Don't trust everything you see on the internet."

And because it's also Throwback Thursday, here is her 1st day of preschool picture, just for reference...

The blackeyed Susans used to be so plentiful!!  Maybe again someday with the work the girls have done on that section of the yard.

It is Thursday right?!  WOOHOO!!!!  Almost the weekend!!!

1 comment:

mamahasspoken said...

Hum, you are starting one day later than here. Let's see who gets out first this time ;o)


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