Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wandom Wednesday with some Clash

It's Homecoming week!!  Monday night was coronation and our 4H leaders son is King and one of Maddy's friends that has one of Ellie's puppies is Queen!  It's cool to actually know the kids crowned. 

Meri is having a blast.. NOW...  Each day this week is a new theme to dress up as and she was sick, but still went.  Monday she went as herself.  Tuesday she wore a pink shirt.  Nothing to really win a prize over...

Today it's Clash Clutter day though and she is finally over whatever bug she had and is feeling so much better!   Absolutely NOTHING matches.  Not even her socks.  No pics yet as my internet is acting wonky and I can't get into my email to retrieve it.  Taking a photo with my cell phone does have it's draw backs...  I'll update this post later when it's fixed.

Maddy has been feeling crumby ever since the week before school started to this day.  She tried to convince me that she was well again yesterday but I think that was just to get out of going to see the campus nurse...  I mailed her some Dayquil... 

She would go to the store herself and get some but she had a marathon weekend of car troubles and it's in the shop of a relative of her roommates at this time.  I think it's going to need a new alternator, but what do I know?  I'm not a mechanic.  I'm not even an actor so I can play one on t.v....  I hope she feels better soon!

In the last 4 days, we've talked to her so many times, it's like she never left!

Leon woke up in the night with a high temp so he's home with his daddy this morning and I'll probably work from the living room this afternoon when Ryan goes to work.  Some fun!!

I'm sure it's just making the rounds because I wasn't feeling so hot yesterday either. 

In order to keep him in his own bed and not wallow all around on ours, I slept in the twin bed in his room with him in his toddler bed.  Every time he started to cry out or whimper, I'd say SHH SHH SHH softly. 

I think I would make a fortune with a voice activated sound machine that just SHH's the kid back to sleep...  hmmm...  I'ts probably been done knowing my luck.

I made lasagna last night.  Three to be exact!  One for us, one for the neighbor that fixed Meri's moped and one for my bestie.  We delivered them last night before we had to run Meri to play practice.  Found out later that the neighbor had even replaced her moped flag...  It was bent.  I don't think the lasagna is $30 lasagna...  We'll pay them back!

Oh!  Southern Gal!  I watched about 20 minutes of BBC's North and South this morning at your suggestion and am in love with it!  It reminds me JUST a little of Les Mis but happier.  I don't think I'll get more time today to watch any, but hope to finish my episode by tomorrow.  Thanks for the tip!

Anyway, here's to a long day today!  It can only get better!

1 comment:

Sonya Ann said...

Nothing worse than a cold going around the house! Tis the season. The sad, sad season. I hate fall/winter oh yeah and even Spring. Love me some summer though.
I'm so sick of car problems. Maybe we should all get mopeds. I think it might take Den three hours to get to work and the Chicagoland tollways probably aren't the way to go but it would save money.It made me think of this.....


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