Thursday, October 2, 2014


Just a random kind of a day...

Gearing up for Maddy to come home this weekend and celebrate her upcoming birthday!  It'll be the last time she comes home until probably Thanksgiving, but we'll be up there for concerts before then.

Got her presents MOSTLY done.  Have to shop or sew for one thing by this weekend for it.  I'm thinking "shop".

Leon might be away for a couple nights.  We'll know more later today.

I hate it when he's away...

Last night he and I, and even Ryan, watched another episode of Mr Ed.  Leon LOVES it!  Someone has told me that they put molasses on the lips of the horse to make it look like it's talking...  But how can they make it do that and fit the dialogue?? 

And I'm partially quoting a comedian who once said the last half of what I'm about to say...

It's either black magic or you'd talk too if someone shoved a carrot up your backside...  But in a little more colorful language.  I don't remember who said that!  It was probably on SNL...

You've never heard of a talking horse?  Well listen to THIS!  I AM MR ED...  
I told Meri about this show and she thought it sounded ridiculous and didn't believe me that it was really a show. 

HA!  Proved her wrong!

I've got two cans of sweetened condensed milk in the crock pot, covered with water on low for the day.  I'm looking forward to some apple dipping this weekend!

I've also cooked some chicken down to the bone and deboned it this morning for some of Maddy's favoritest soup this weekend.  Got the bones and the rest in the oven cooking down even more on low for the morning since one crockpot is in use. 

The other is in the garage fridge with something in it that I forgot all about so I'm not going to touch it today. 

I'll be using the broth from the oven stint for the soup. 

I took Ellie to the vet this morning to get tutored  or rather spayed.  She has officially retired from puppy making and good thing!  She has NO patience for the puppies anymore and Reedus REALLY annoys her...  There is a lot of growling and dog fights when breakfast is served.  This might calm her down.

Reedus will be the next puppy daddy, but not for another year or two.  Meri will get a wife for him next spring and then the spring after that we'll be back in the puppy breeding racket.

I hope he's completely housetrained by then...  He sometimes annoys me.  Ok, lots of times...

Anyway, back to work.  I hope you have a wonderful day!


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